Chapter 50

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"That prince is truly a love saint." Emperor Chu Zhengming smiled.

He was obviously very angry by Chu Heng's words.

Listen to what this says? ! For the sake of my partner, I even gave up being the prince. I want a beauty, not a kingdom, right? !

Why didn't he know that Chu Heng was a great lover?

Chu Zhengming naturally did not want to depose Chu Heng, the crown prince - of course, the imperial prince was not something he, the emperor, could depose at his own discretion.

In addition to being a little bit romantic, Chu Heng is undoubtedly an excellent heir.

Chu Zhengming didn't want to waste his time criticizing him, since Chu Heng wouldn't listen anyway.

Taking a deep breath, he said: "Prince, you can figure it out for yourself! Tie it up yourself and don't leave any clues!"

After saying that, he hung up the video call, as if looking at Chu Heng's face for a few more seconds. Will explode.

Chu Heng raised his eyebrows in surprise.

He thought Chu Zhengming was going to accuse him and "educate" him not to be too attached to personal affairs.

Unexpectedly, Chu Zhengming left him alone? He just told him to do whatever he wanted and let it go.

In fact, destroying Jun Yilian, an S-class elf, would not be as serious as Chu Zhengming said.

It wasn't like he was completely acting on impulse without thinking about the consequences.


In the living room, Jiang Qizheng emphasized, "Your Highness, you are really going to see your friends. You should be back in a while." He transferred the risk and said to An Qiao, "If you don't believe me, ask him then." After saying

that, he saw An Qiao was stunned and had no reaction.

--Actually, it was because An Qiao used her mental power to "hear" the conversation between Chu Heng and Chu Zhengming, especially when she heard Chu Heng say: "

After all, my overall view is just my home."

"I can do that. I feel wronged, but my family Qiaoqiao cannot."

An Qiao was a little shocked.

But it's actually not that surprising. Chu Heng's behavior before made him vaguely doubt whether Chu Heng liked him.

Jiang Qi's sharp eyes saw Chu Heng outside the living room door for the first time.

You're back! Now, he didn't have to lie to the Crown Princess and explain that "the Crown Prince really just went to meet friends." Let Chu Heng solve his own troubles!

I really don't know if Chu Heng has something wrong with him. He actually came up with such an easy excuse as "going to meet friends". When the news of Jun Yilian's accident spread, could the Crown Princess still guess that Chu Heng actually went to the Imperial Capital Star instead of meeting friends in Blue Star City?

To put it bluntly? I went out to the Imperial City to deal with Jun Yilian. Wouldn't it be possible to increase the favor of the Crown Princess and impress her?

In fact, Chu Heng also belatedly realized that his excuse was really bad.

He shouldn't have come up with this excuse to hide An Qiao right away. At that time, he was thinking that he might not be able to wake up even if he rushed back to An Qiao, Blue Star City, so this excuse might not even be used. Also, I think An Qiao was a little nervous due to the recurrence of old injuries, so why not let An Qiao know what he did to the Imperial Capital Star to make An Qiao worried.

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