Chapter 53

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When An Qiao suddenly saw Chu Heng, his eyes suddenly lit up for the first time.

But after realizing it -

what a coincidence?

An Qiao glanced at Chu Wen who looked slightly guilty.

Thinking of the light brain on Chu Wen's wrist just buzzing, it was obviously someone coming? News. At that time, after Chu Wen finished operating on the optical brain screen, he glanced at him with some guilt.

Now that I think about it, Chu Wen should have told Chu Heng the news about him.

Chu Wen felt even more guilty at An Qiao's glance. He moved silently and hid behind Xiong Yi less obviously.

An Qiao's look was so scary that he couldn't bear it.

For the "surprise" of this "accidental encounter" between my uncle and my uncle's friend An Qiao, he, the passer-by who made the connection, sacrificed a lot.

"It's quite destined." An Qiao nodded, not revealing Chu Heng's little thoughts.

"Really? I just said that we are destined." Chu Heng was in a better mood when An Qiao personally recognized that they were "destined".

They are separated by a world, but they can meet together. What is it but fate?

Not only is it destiny, it is a blessing from God!

Thinking of this, the smile on Chu Heng's face became brighter and brighter. If he were in the form of a black dragon now, he would definitely be able to hold his tail up proudly.

Seeing Chu Heng like this, An Qiao suddenly had some bad taste and teased him: "You are quite leisurely when you go out for a walk alone."

Chu Heng: "!"

Chu Heng actually realized that he was at this time. The deliberate "accidental encounter" was seen through by An Qiao.

But even though An Qiao knew it, he didn't expose it and still teased him.

He bit the bullet and explained: "...Actually, I knew that you, Qiaoqiao, were out, so I wanted to go out and try my luck to see if I could meet you, Qiaoqiao." "As

expected, I did. "

Do you think we are really destined?"

An Qiao: "..."

Adding another word "fate" - is Chu Heng too obsessed with this "fate"?

"Yes, we are destined." An Qiao nodded and responded helplessly but not perfunctorily.

Not far away, Chu Wen and Xiong Yi looked at each other.

They seemed... no, they were really forgotten by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess.

Chu Wen knew that Chu Heng was interested in An Qiao, the princess, when Chu Heng suddenly received news that he was coming to see An Qiao and give An Qiao a "surprise".

But when he actually saw with his own eyes how Chu Heng treated An Qiao, and saw the two people getting along in a sticky manner, Chu Wen knew how good the relationship between the two was.

It's so good that they can only see each other and form a world of their own, automatically ignoring and excluding everyone else.

In addition, Chu Wen felt that Chu Heng's previous image of a tall, mighty, cold and domineering God of War in his heart was a little... collapsed.

Seeing a His Highness the Crown Prince who was completely different from what he had in mind, it really made him a little unbelievable that this was really the invincible, wise and mighty His Highness the Crown Prince that he admired.

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