Chapter 40

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It’s clear after the snow. Under the flawless blue sky, the snowfield is as white as pure jade.

The huge black dragon, which was so huge that it could cover the sky and the sun, swooped down from the top of the snow-capped mountains and the top of the floating clouds, carrying the sun's thousands of golden rays.

An Qiao raised his head, his ice blue eyes unblinking.

If you look carefully, you will find that his eyes are brighter than usual, and there is excitement and heat deep in his eyes that is difficult to detect.


He has been thinking about the black dragon for so long!

The black scales all over are cold and gorgeous, and the blood-red giant pupils like flames are fierce and dangerous.

Ordinary people may feel suffocated and frightened to the extreme.

An Qiao felt that it was just right. He likes extremely fierce and powerful beasts, especially dragons at the top of the food chain. The more dangerous and vicious the better.

At this moment, the giant dragon spread its wings and swooped towards him. He was not afraid at all, but was so excited that he wanted to rush forward and have a fight.

There is still some regret, but it is a pity that I can't see the hot and dangerous dragon's breath flame. A dragon in combat would be more in line with the violent aesthetic he admires.

In the blink of an eye, the black dragon has arrived.

The unruly and ferocious dragon bent its huge, unyielding head, and stared at him gently and helplessly with its huge blood-red flaming pupils.

The moment they looked at each other, An Qiao's heart suddenly beat wildly.

Palpitations. Uncontrollable heart palpitations.

However, it was not because he was looking at the giant dragon that he wanted to see so closely at close range, but because he was clearly and soberly aware that he was looking at Chu Heng.

Because of Chu Heng’s eyes.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something, but he didn't seem to understand it completely.


The follow-up handling of the Greedy Wolf Star Thief Group was handed over to the adjutant Jiang Qi who came over. Chu Heng transformed into a black giant dragon beast form and took An Qiao out of the Soul Burial Snow Field first. Then transfer to the aircraft and arrive at Blue Star City.

Blue Star City is the capital of Aqua Blue Star. It is famous for its suitable environment for the growth of purely ornamental and non-invasive plants, livable environment, and beautiful scenery. It is like spring all year round, with flowers blooming and green vegetation. Countless people come here every year.

When he planned to bring An Qiao to Blue Star, Chu Heng had already asked someone to select a suitable manor and castle to buy in Blue Star City.

One of his friends, Yin Que, happened to be in Blue Star City during this time. He knew that he wanted to buy a desirable manor castle and helped him.

Yin Que also went to the Imperial First Military Academy on the Capital Planet from the garbage planet where Chu Heng grew up, and he happened to be in the same class.

When Chu Heng was still on the Junk Star, the two of them just nodded their heads when they met. On the contrary, after attending the First Military Academy of the Empire, because they were classmates and roommates in the dormitory, they collaborated and communicated a lot, and they became close friends and became bad friends.

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