Chapter 30

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When Chu Heng originally heard the man's question, although his face remained calm and no one noticed anything strange, his usually steady hands trembled slightly due to nervousness.

But when he heard the man talking about testing the purity of the elf blood on An Qiao, Chu Heng breathed a sigh of relief.

Testing the purity of elven blood means testing the elven genes in the body. The elven genes in the elves are all "natural" to a certain extent. Except for mutations in extremely rare accidents, they will not change at all, so they cannot be disguised.

But An Qiao is an elf, and just releasing a little bit of elf genes is enough for detection.

——The detection is controllable. If the purity of the bloodline is high, the purity of the low-level bloodline can be disguised at will.

Elf blood testers are very common in the empire, and the purity of elven blood is difficult to fake. Sometimes the genes in the body may be temporarily tampered with and the results may appear false, so it needs to be tested several times. However, there is no need to worry about fraud when testing the purity of elven blood in the body, and it is simple and convenient. That is why the Zhou family faction proposed testing the purity of elven blood.

Seeing that An Qiao's expression was still cold, but deep in his eyes was a daze, he knew that An Qiao... didn't understand at all.

Chu Heng explained to him: "This is actually to detect the Elf genes in your body. You release a little breath, and the Elf Bloodline Detector can automatically capture this breath and analyze the Elf genes in your body. ."

"The amount of breath released is controllable. High blood purity can disguise low blood purity, but ordinary elves will not be so bored as to pretend to have low blood purity. Qiaoqiao, don't be nervous when you wait for the test. The blood purity reaches It turns out that eighty-nine is fine."

Don't let the breath you release burst the elf blood tester when you get nervous! Be careful to control it and remember to release the water - oh no, release it to the sea!

The empire divides the purity of elven blood from one to one hundred. Ninety is an important dividing line. Jun Yilian of the Jun family has an elf blood purity of eighty-eight, which is already very rare. However, it turns out that the eldest young master of the An family has come up behind and has an elf blood purity of eighty-nine. This is the empire. The most pure ones in history - of course, this does not include those who returned to their ancestors and became elves due to unexpected circumstances.

Theoretically, unless encountering special unexpected circumstances, only if the blood purity of an elf reaches 90, can there be a slim hope of being able to return to his ancestors and become an elf. If the purity is eighty-nine, then the hope is even slimmer.

In order to enhance the reputation and value of the eldest son of the An family, the An family made great efforts to publicize his modest hope of returning to his ancestors and becoming an elf. But the upper echelons of the Imperial City, and those who know the industry, all know that if the eldest young master of the An family does not have a special opportunity, it is almost impossible to return to his ancestors and become an elf - and this kind of opportunity may not appear once in hundreds of years.

An Qiao's eyes widened slightly.

The elf blood tester can automatically analyze and detect the elf genes in the body based on a small breath. Needless to say, it is a black technology that he does not understand!

"It's just a test, what good do I have? Nervous?" An Qiao looked calm.

In fact, when Chu Heng didn't explain, he was still a little nervous. Although it's okay to have his identity revealed, he doesn't want to change his current living situation for the time being.

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