Chapter 55

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The new prophecy about elves - "His Royal Highness is about to meet the real elves" has far more far-reaching influence than An Qiao thought.

Previously, it was only predicted that the elves were in Blue Star City. Although some people found it unbelievable, they couldn't help but pay attention.

Now it is predicted that "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is about to meet a real elf" - Crown Prince Chu Heng happens to be in Blue Star City right now, isn't it right?

Moreover, both prophecies predict that the elves are in Blue Star City, so the credibility is superimposed, and it should be much more credible.

Coupled with the title of "His Royal Highness" Chu Heng, this prophecy seems more reliable and believable - with the aura of Chu Heng, His Royal Highness, it seems that His Highness can see the elves. Accident.

Many people secretly lamented that Prince Chu Heng was so lucky that he was about to meet the elves. Although without the support of the elves, Chu Heng can still secure his position as the prince of the empire, but if he can meet the elves and make friends with them, that will naturally be the icing on the cake.

After all, the status of elves in the empire is extraordinary, and their abilities are also very magical. Being able to make good friends with elves is definitely worth it. Or just meeting elves is also very enviable and jealous.

That's an elf!

There haven't been elves in the empire for many years!

Of course, some people find this prediction unbelievable-or rather, they don't want to believe it. If Chu Heng really has the support of the elves, then what else can they compete with?

The funny thing is, even though they deceived themselves and others and thought it was untrustworthy, they still sent people to Blue Star City.

An Qiao originally thought that not many people would believe such an unreliable prophecy.

But the fact is that in those few days, they saw more and more people pouring into Blue Star City who were obviously coming for the elves.

In fact, An Qiao still underestimated the importance of elves to the empire and to a faction.

Adjutant Jiang Qi, out of selfish motives and because of Emperor Chu Zhengming's orders, would remind Chu Heng overtly or covertly from time to time that he wanted Chu Heng to go out more and try his luck to see if he could meet an elf.

Don't want to go out? If you encounter an elf by chance, why don't you wait for the elf to fall from the sky and come to your door automatically?

He even secretly asked An Qiao: "An Qiao, how about you help persuade His Highness the Crown Prince? He just listens to you."

An Qiao: "..."

Regarding the prophecy, An Qiao also asked Chu Heng: "What do you think about the prophecy that you are about to meet the real elves?"

As far as he knew, Emperor Chu Zhengming had ordered Chu Heng to search for elves. There are many people in Chu Heng's camp who have high expectations like Lieutenant Jiang Qi. Most of them hope that Chu Heng can find the elves first and get support from the elves.

If Chu Heng really wanted to find the elf...

An Qiao's thick and curly eyelashes drooped slightly, making it difficult for people to see the emotions in his eyes.

Chu Heng: "..."

Chu Heng almost thought that An Qiao had seen through something.

Being able to see An Qiao who looks like an elf is naturally what they are looking forward to.

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