Chapter 28

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"Brother is hiding here to accompany the Crown Princess, how about having a leisurely and happy life."

Chu Heng just mentioned the second prince Chu Feiyu, but he didn't expect Chu Feiyu to come here now.

When An Qiao heard this man calling Chu Heng "big brother", he knew that this man should be the second prince Chu Feiyu that Chu Heng just mentioned.

Looking at Chu Feiyu without trace, An Qiao's icy blue eyes couldn't help but flash a trace of doubt.

That's it?

At any rate, as a half-blood brother with Chu Heng, Chu Feiyu is much worse than Chu Heng, right?

His appearance can only be considered average, and he is not as good as Chu Heng. He has deep rose-colored eyes.

The value of force is far behind. Compared with Chu Heng, he is simply vulnerable.

As for his demeanor, he seems to be personable and gentle, as if he is easy to get along with. But looking closely, I feel that this person is very hypocritical and pretentious at heart.

——In fact, Chu Feiyu's appearance is still very good in the eyes of most people in the empire. It is because An Qiao has both deep facial control and picky taste that he thinks Chu Feiyu is average in appearance.

No, not only are the eyes picky, but others may think that the eyes are a bit strange and weird - some people think that it represents bloody violence? Blood-red eyes, which make people afraid to look directly? Blood-red eyes are good? Look. !

The vast majority of people in the empire were afraid of these eyes. At the same time, they all regretted why their Crown Prince was so unfortunate to have such a pair of bloody eyes.

As for Chu Feiyu's force value, as a 2S-level orc, although he has only just barely been promoted to the 2S level, he is already extremely outstanding among the younger generation.

An Qiao's eyebrows were cold and he withdrew his appraising gaze.

Chu Heng's eyes suddenly turned cold when he looked at Chu Feiyu, and he half-smiled: "Not as good as Xiaoer, you are leisurely and happy. I just seemed to see Xiaoer, the second young master of the Jun family that you admire, talking to you Major General Zhou is reminiscing about the past. How come he came to the banquet not for you as a suitor, but for Major General Zhou?"

Chu Heng's words were meaningful, implying that Chu Feiyu's head was almost green. You have to shine? Why bother meddling in your own business?

Moreover, the calls of "Xiaoer?" and "Xiaoer?" are not like calling the second brother by blood, but rather like calling the "waiter" who worked in the store in ancient times. ?.

An Qiao couldn't help but "tsk" in her heart.

A slap in the face rather than a slap in the face, Chu Heng's words were extremely insulting.

It seems that the relationship between Chu Heng and these two princes is indeed as bad as the legend says.

He knew something about Chu Heng from Song Leran, who always loved gossip.

Knowing that not long after Chu Heng was born from the artificial womb, due to the neglect of his parents, whose relationship was almost broken, Chu Heng was robbed from the imperial capital star by star thieves, resulting in Chu Heng becoming an "orphan". The majestic prince of the empire unexpectedly grew up He grew up hard on the chaotic Garbage Planet. At the age of sixteen, he passed the Imperial First Military Academy on the Imperial Capital Planet with his outstanding talent and force, and was recognized by the Emperor.

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