Chapter 15

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Chu Heng: "..."

Chu Heng was silent for a few seconds and raised an eyebrow suspiciously: "Are you sure you want to make this request?"

An Qiao had been in a coma for a few days because of illness. Feeling guilty for An Qiao's cold face questioning, he said to An Qiao: "If you get better quickly, I will grant you a reasonable request." He did not expect that An Qiao would make such an incredible request now


People who have seen his black dragon beast form - most of them have seen him through the screen, are both respectful and fearful.

After its wings are spread out, the dragon is so ferocious and so huge that it can almost cover the sky and the sun. To the people of the Empire, it is a patron saint and an evil god. Especially those blood-red vertical pupils made people shudder.

Some people in the Second Prince's faction secretly propagandized that he might lose control in the future due to his bloodline returning to his ancestors. Once his bestial nature overwhelms his human nature, it would pose a huge threat to the empire.

His black dragon beast form scared many children to tears. Some parents use his dragon shape to scare disobedient children.

The empire admires force, but is also in awe of his black dragon beast form. Even if Jiang Qi is both his lieutenant and his friend, when facing his black dragon beast form, he will be involuntarily afraid and dare not look directly at it.

This was the first time someone said they wanted to see his animal form.

Isn't An Qiao afraid?

But looking at An Qiao's bright, almost burning eyes, it seemed that An Qiao really wanted to see his animal form.

Chu Heng recalled that when they first met, he tentatively asked An Qiao what he wanted to compensate. As a result, An Qiao said lightly: "

Just compensate... for the flame bird transformed by your fire power."

His fire The Flame Bird, which was transformed into supernatural energy, is famous for its cruelty and cruelty. Many people have a deep shadow of his Flame Bird.

However, An Qiao not only was not afraid of his flame bird at all, but instead touched it gently with his hands curiously, even slightly gently and patiently.

——So maybe An Qiao’s cognition changed after she lost her memory, and even her preferences became weird and unusual?

Thinking of this, Chu Heng couldn't help but stare at An Qiao in a strange way.

An Qiao nodded, and his face, which was always cold and indifferent, showed a rare and almost paranoid determination: "Well, I will just make this request." One of the

reasons why he stayed in the first place was not because of his love for Chu Heng. Is the black giant dragon beast "heartbeat"?

The expression on Chu Heng's face changed, and he seemed to be in a complicated mood. In the end, his face showed some embarrassment: "...How about you change your request?"

An Qiao: "?"

Chu Heng: "Maybe I'll show it to you after a while, okay?"

He patiently explained: " I was injured some time ago and am recovering, and I can't change into my beast form for the time being."

Even the two closest lieutenants and military doctor Jun Yiran didn't know if he was injured in the war with the Zerg, and how badly he was injured. . People from the Second Prince's faction have also been trying hard to find out about his physical condition.

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