Chapter 11

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Chu Heng’s face became even darker.

I knew An Qiao was a little willful, but I didn't expect him to be so willful.

He thought that after being pointed out, An Qiao would at least realize that it was wrong for him to throw away the medicine casually and have a negative and pessimistic attitude.

However, to his surprise, An Qiao didn't feel that he was wrong and was very disapproving of it.

That cold and indifferent face, the look of indifference and indifference that has nothing to do with you makes people feel extremely irritable.

Chu Heng was angry and cold-hearted.

He realized that he had been wishful thinking all along.

Wishful thinking, if the match must be terminated, it may stimulate An Qiao, who failed to awaken and was abandoned by her family. She is sick and coughs up blood at every turn.

Wishful thinking, he used his past experiences to feed An Qiao chicken soup, and long-windedly persuaded An Qiao to be positive and optimistic, not to live in despair, to stay in a happy mood, and to take a good rest, which was for An Qiao's good.

Wishful thinking worries that if An Qiao is not followed, An Qiao may be unhappy and may affect her recovery. She is worried that An Qiao may be bullied at school, leading to depression... However, An Qiao does not need his wishful thinking and self-righteousness at all.


People don't care at all, they don't care about you, they don't want to be controlled, and they think you are too verbose and nosy.

An Qiao doesn't care whether her illness is good or not, or whether she lives or dies. How can you be so careless?

He shouldn't have been soft-hearted and impulsive in the first place.

"It's me who is meddling in other people's business." Chu Heng said with a cold face, "Since you don't want me to meddle in other people's business, then..." Let's cancel the match.

"Cancel the match." Before he could finish the words, An Qiao in front of him suddenly snorted and coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood.

The silver-haired young man half-closed his eyes tiredly, and his sickly and slender body seemed to be about to collapse at any time if the wind blew.

He frowned slightly tiredly unconsciously. The face, as pale as plain snow, was set off by the bright red blood at the corners of the lips, as if the mutton-fat white jade was stained with blood, giving it a shockingly beautiful, poignant and broken feeling.

"An Qiao?!" Chu Heng's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

"Butler, tell Jun Yiran to come over quickly!"

"No need." An Qiao frowned slightly, "I'm fine."

"You still call it fine?!" Chu Heng has never been so irritable. I really don't know what to do. What to do with him.

"It's really okay. I usually cough up blood..." An Qiao said softly, "Just take it easy for a while."

It hurts.

It really hurts.

The devil's curse in his body suddenly broke out for some unknown reason, and the pain was overwhelming, so he suddenly couldn't control the coughing of blood.

An Qiao felt very depressed.

With such a poor body, he didn't even give any face at the critical moment, and was really holding him back!

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