Chapter 6

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Being picked up unexpectedly, An Qiao was confused at first, and then became angry with embarrassment.

He was grateful that Chu Heng held his waist in time to prevent him from falling to the ground.

However, it’s not necessary to hug a princess, right? !

When the Elf King was able to walk on his own, he was never hugged again!

He was extremely unaccustomed to being at such a close distance, let alone such an extremely intimate hug!

Chu Heng didn't ask a question, ignored his wishes, and gave him a princess hug in public. It was really overbearing, arrogant and rude!

Dragons are large beasts at the top of the food chain. Naturally, the more ferocious and tyrannical they are, the more in line with his aesthetics of violence. However, as a human being, this strong and domineering temperament is not so cute!

"Put...let me down!" An Qiao said angrily.

He stared at Chu Heng with his beautiful ice blue eyes in shame.

The pain was excruciating, the broken hair on his forehead was wet with sweat, and his lips were slightly red from being bitten by the pain, making his pale and beautiful face look a little pitiful.

This glare had no power at all. Instead, it looked like an angry cat scratching its owner thinking it was being aggressive, but in fact, it looked like a coquettish act to the owner.

"Don't move." Chu Heng's expression was cold and serious, looking a little irritable, like a beast about to attack after being provoked.

The next second, he seemed to realize that his tone was stern and sounded like an order. He softened his tone and comforted stiffly:

"It's okay. I'll ask the military doctor to come and take a look at you."


Jun Yiran was still on his way home. After receiving the notice, he hurried to the Marshal's Mansion.

At this time, An Qiao looked much better.

The sudden and particularly severe wave of pain subsided, and he returned to his normal state. Although it hurts, it's bearable.

Jun Yiran used his S-level healing power to treat An Qiao and prescribed some medicine. The effect is not big, but it can be considered as my best effort.

He and Chu Heng went to the nearby study to talk about An Qiao's illness.

"An Qiao's illness is very strange, and I can't understand it. He has serious internal injuries in his body. I don't know how he was injured like this. And what's very strange is that my S-level healing power is pretty good. , but it has almost no effect on his internal injuries."

Generally speaking, it is difficult for low-level healing powers to treat orcs with high-level powers. It can stop bleeding from external injuries, but when treating internal injuries caused by powers, The effect is minimal.

Jun Yiran thought for a while: "Probably because he was suddenly assassinated and seriously injured while he was awakening, which interrupted the original awakening process, causing the energy in his body to suddenly collapse and become chaotic, causing serious internal injuries. And he was originally going to awaken. The level of the healing power is very high, probably higher than the level of my healing power, so my treatment is useless to him."

Having said this, Jun Yiran couldn't help but sigh with sympathy and regret.

If An Qiao's awakening is successful, as an elf with extremely high-level healing powers, her future will be limitless.

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