Chapter 22

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After Chu Heng left the spaceship judges’ seat hall, he headed straight towards the C-level assessment area of the Star Beast Forest.

An Qiao chose the C-level assessment area.

As soon as he stepped into the forest where the C-level assessment area was located, Chu Heng's pupils suddenly shrank.

The forest in front of me is really weird.

Flowers are everywhere, green grass covers the ground, and fruits are hanging on the branches. It is full of vitality. The picture is so beautiful and dreamy that it does not look like it is in a dangerous star beast forest, but rather like being in a painting, as if it is in a fairyland.

It can be seen that these flowers, plants and trees have been brought into being by some magical means.

As far as Chu Heng knew, even the strongest wood-type superpower in the empire could not achieve this level. He could not produce plants in such a large area, let alone grow billions of them. Flowers, plants and trees all give life and vitality.

Originally, Chu Heng was a little skeptical about the presence of elves detected by the two "elf detectors" deep in the military headquarters and the palace.

Now, he really believed it.

Only the legendary elves can do this.

According to legend, elves are the sons of nature. They are naturally favored by nature and have the miraculous ability to make all things grow.

Chu Heng frowned.

That elf actually appeared in this C-level assessment area.

I don't know if it will have any impact on this C-level assessment area -

after all, An Qiao is in this C-level assessment area.

When he thought that something unexpected might happen, Chu Heng couldn't help but feel panic and irritability.

"Have you ever been to An Qiao?" After searching for a while and not finding anyone, Chu Heng saw a passing freshman who was taking exams and asked directly without thinking too much.

"Ah?" The freshman didn't expect to see the idol he admired here, and the idol even talked to him! It made him so excited that he almost fainted!

When he came back to his senses from a daze, he realized what Chu Heng was asking.

"No... I've never seen..."

An Qiao? Isn't that the princess who matches the mastermind system of the male god?

Is An Qiao in this assessment area? What happened?

Judging from the anxious look on the male god's face, it seems that he and the princess are really close to each other.

No? Chu Heng frowned when he heard the answer he wanted.

I searched all the way and asked several people in succession? The last person who asked told him that An Yuchun also asked if he had seen An Qiao, and that An Yuchun went in a certain direction after that.

Chu Heng's eyes flashed with thick, uncontrollable killing intent.

What can An Yuchun do if he wants to find An Qiao? Other than viciously plotting, he doesn't do anything he wants.

Chu Heng can often control his emotions very well.

After meeting An Qiao, his emotions were easily provoked by An Qiao.

At this moment, the murderous intent in his eyes, the unbearable cruelty in his eyes, even Jiang Qi, who had been with Chu Heng as an adjutant for so long, had never seen him before. This look.

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