Chapter 73

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Does it have a special meaning just like sending red roses?

An Qiao secretly wrote this down and planned to search it with an optical computer later.

Chu Heng was secretly proud of how well he showed off his affection.

Little does he know that An Qiao is no longer the "simple and ignorant" An Qiao that he was when he first arrived. Now he has learned how to use optical brain to search when he encounters doubts.


An Qiao was quite satisfied with her dinner.

The food was to his liking, and so was the face eating the meal across from him.

After dinner, when he sat down to take a nap, he remembered his previous doubts and searched with his optical brain?

After he finished browsing, his eyes widened slightly, and the expression on his face was a little complicated.

It turns out that giving a scarf to an orc companion, especially a hand-knitted scarf, actually means expressing love?

So when Chu Heng said that the scarf was a gift from him, he actually meant that he gave Chu Heng a scarf that he had knitted by himself?

And it is better for an orc to wear this scarf and show it off to others to prove that the relationship with his partner is very sweet.

An Qiao: "..."

No wonder Shen You said such words, and why people passing by looked at him strangely.

But, in fact, this scarf was really not a gift from him, let alone knitted by him.

You can see the difference between hand-knitted scarves and machine-made scarves bought from outside -

so, this scarf is actually...

hand-knitted by Chu Heng himself? !

When An Qiao thought about this possibility, she didn't know for a moment whether she should praise Chu Heng for his ingenuity and craftsmanship, or lament that Chu Heng worked hard enough to show his affection and could do anything.

He looked at Chu Heng who was sitting across from him - to be precise, it was the scarf Chu Heng was wearing.

When he helped Chu Heng tie his scarf before, he didn't pay much attention to it. He just thought the scarf looked pretty good.

Now I know that this is actually a scarf knitted by Chu Heng himself -

take a closer look, well, it is indeed very beautiful. Black and white, the colors are matched just right, and the texture is exquisite, elegant and natural...

Well, in short, this is an extremely beautiful and almost perfect scarf.

I didn't expect Chu Heng to be so virtuous and so good at his craftsmanship?

After sighing, An Qiao couldn't help but think that it was probably because Chu Heng grew up in a backward and chaotic garbage planet. He had to rely on himself for everything, so he knew almost all life skills, even if he was good at cooking. , even knitting scarves is a piece of cake.

--Those who caused the newly born Chu Heng to be exiled to the garbage planet? They really deserve to be slaughtered...

"Qiao Qiao, why are you... staring at my scarf?" Chu Heng interrupted An Qiao. thoughts.

At first, he was a little doubtful that An Qiao knew the meaning of the scarf.

But I thought that An Qiao didn't even know the deep meaning of sending red roses, which is the most popular thing, and she only found out about it later. Giving scarves is more niche than giving red roses. An Qiao, who doesn't know much about this world, probably doesn't know.

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