Chapter 24

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Chu Heng asked Jiang Qi to investigate the inside story of An Qiao's failure to awaken after being assassinated and seriously injured.

But because some time has passed and the clues have been cut off, it is very difficult to investigate and the progress is almost non-existent.

This time, An Yuchun had an accident during the assessment in the Star Beast Forest. Although his life was still there, his spiritual sea was destroyed, the healing ability of the elves was also abolished, he lost his memory, and he became crazy and insane. As the party responsible for conducting the assessment, the Imperial First Military Academy naturally had to investigate the reasons.

The person responsible for investigating this matter happened to be Fa Xiao, who had a close relationship with Jiang Qi.

The boy told Jiang Qi about the investigation.

They had no clue as to what happened to An Yuchun. However, when I investigated An Yuchun's daily life and wanted to know what enemies he had, I found that An Yuchun had a very dark and vicious mind. When An Qiao was assassinated and seriously injured, it was An Yuchun who revealed An Qiao's secret whereabouts.

Even after An Qiao failed to awaken and almost suffered a mental breakdown, An Yuchun secretly "guided" An Qiao online into the Star Beast Forest to find the "magic herb" that could help her awaken again. Then, before An Qiao entered the Star Beast Forest, he sprinkled "beast attracting powder" on An Qiao without anyone noticing. If your body is stained with this "beast-attracting powder", it will cause crazy attacks from star beasts.

The kid also lamented that An Qiao stayed alone in the Star Beast Forest for five days even though he was stained with "animal attracting powder". He was only seriously injured and fell into a coma but did not die. He was extremely lucky.

After listening to this, Jiang Qi felt vaguely that something was not right. Even if you are lucky, this is too lucky. The Star Beast Forest is an absolutely dangerous place.

He also recalled what he investigated about An Qiao when Chu Heng was matched with An Qiao by the mastermind system. When he found out that An Qiao woke up in the hospital, he denied that he was An Qiao, the eldest son of the An family, and only later did he admit it.

Thinking of An Qiao now, he was completely different from before, almost like a different person.

At that moment, a somewhat crazy idea flashed through Jiang Qi's mind. He suspected that the current An Qiao was not the former An Qiao, the eldest young master of the An family.

They tried their best to go to the hospital where An Qiao stayed, and obtained the blood stains left by An Qiao who was seriously injured at that time, and then compared the genes.

The moment Jiang Qi got the result, he was completely confused.

Now this "An Qiao" is not the real eldest young master of the An family, An Qiao. So who is this "An Qiao" now? What is the conspiracy purpose?

This thing is too incredible and too important. Therefore, Jiang Qi did not hesitate and informed Chu Heng immediately.


Seeing the second message from Jiang Qi on the brain - [After genetic comparison, it was found that An Qiao is not the original An Qiao], Chu Heng's hand shook and he almost pinched the balcony railing on which his elbow was leaning. broken.

Following the second message, Jiang Qi continued to send strong evidence, proving that the news that "An Qiao is not the original An Qiao" is not just an empty guess, but an ironclad proof.

But in fact, Chu Heng had already determined that "An Qiao is not the original An Qiao" without even looking at the evidence sent by Jiang Qi.

He had actually suspected that An Qiao was a little strange before, and felt that An Qiao was very different from what was in the information - even if he lost his memory and his memory was confused, some instinctive things should not change too much. However, An Qiao seemed to be a completely different person.

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