Chapter 41

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Originally, An Qiao was a little skeptical.

However, that afternoon, after he turned on his optical brain and saw Song Leran's chat messages, he temporarily gave up this suspicion.

Song Leran: [An Qiao, have you arrived at Blue Star City on Water Blue Star? I heard that the annual flower show in Blue Star City will be held in the near future. If you are interested, you can go and have a

look. [My friends and I went to the flower show in Blue Star City last year. It was so lively and beautiful! It's a pity that I can't go because I have something to do this year]

[But, hey, my friend said that when he goes to the flower festival, he will live broadcast the whole process for me. Which pot of flowers I like, he will buy it for me? How many pots do I want? He brought them back to the Imperial City Star for me.

The optical brain cannot be used in the Soul Burial Snowfield. It can only be used after leaving the Soul Burial Snowfield.

When Song Leran's chat message was sent, An Qiao had not yet left the Burial Spirit Snowfield.

An Qiao read several times the last message Song Leran mentioned about his friend.

He tentatively typed the next line: [Already arrived at Blue Star City. Your friend actually showed you a flower party live, bought flowers for you and brought them all the way back to the Imperial City. He is more considerate than your partner.]

Song Leran quickly replied to the message: [That? No! 】

【We are kind of sweethearts who grew up together. He is the kind of person who has some big orcism and is overly protective of his relatives and friends, and he will not hesitate to hurt his friends. And because he is the eldest among the brothers and sisters in the family, he is used to taking care of his brothers and sisters who are younger than him at home. He is so attentive and considerate. It is really touching.]

An Qiao stared at these lines for a while and exhaled softly. Take a breath.

It seems that friends also get along with each other in a close and considerate way.

--So he thinks whether Chu Heng likes him is most likely just a temporary misunderstanding on his part, right?


Chu Heng is out of town for something.

An Qiao thought of the flower party Song Leran mentioned, and after asking the housekeeper to learn about the flower party, she went out with great interest.

Blue Star City is warm as spring all year round, and is also known as the "Flower City" and "Green City".

The environment here is extremely suitable for plant growth, especially for non-aggressive, purely ornamental plants. These kind of delicate plants that are difficult to support grow here like a fish in water. On the contrary, those ferocious exotic plants that can survive in any environment are not very adaptable here.

Because of its special and superior geographical and climatic environment, Blue Star City is a famous flower planting base in the empire and a well-known tourist city.

The annual flower festival has a history of thousands of years in Blue Star City. It lasted for three days at the beginning and has now been extended to seven days.

The origin of the Blue Star City Flower Party has not been proven. However, there is a theory that the flower festival was originally held to commemorate an elf who came here.

--In this regard, An Qiao just wants to complain, and doesn't want to attach all weird things to the elf!

An Qiao came to this world for a while, and finally understood the people's enthusiasm for elves in this world. One of the specific manifestations is that when talking about a certain thing or event, the name of an elf is always mentioned.

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