Chapter 57

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The silver-haired elf lying on the bed was sleeping quietly with his eyes closed.

The long silver hair was scattered randomly, covering the bed, dazzling and gorgeous, like strands of dreamy moonlight.

The pointed ears are half hidden and half visible under the silver hair. Her pale and perfect face was as clear and breathtaking as the moon in the sky or the snow on the top of the mountain, and it also had a fragile and fragile beauty like blood-stained glass.

At this moment, he was sleeping there, with his thick and curled eyelashes drooping, as if waiting for someone to wake him up.

Chu Heng looked as if he was in a dream. He was stunned for a long time before he remembered that he came in to see the recurrence of An Qiao's old injury and was worried about whether An Qiao was in a coma.

He approached An Qiao quietly step by step, and carefully checked An Qiao's condition with his mental strength. He found that An Qiao was indeed asleep rather than unconscious, and there were no obvious injuries on her body.

Chu Heng took a breath and felt a little relieved.

It's fine if Qiaoqiao is fine.

However, it seems that it cannot be said that it is completely fine -

Qiaoqiao turned back into an elf!

Under normal circumstances, Qiao Qiao would have no time to cover her waistcoat and would not be exposed easily. Now, in this situation, something might have happened unexpectedly?

Fortunately, I used my mental power to check that An Qiao's physical condition was pretty good.

This was the first time Chu Heng saw An Qiao in elf form - before, he had only seen his back from a distance in the Star Beast Forest.

Unexpectedly, the prophecy made by Teacher Zhen who predicted supernatural powers - "His Royal Highness is about to meet a real elf" turned out to be true. He really saw a real elf!

An Qiao in elf form is more beautiful and dazzling than usual, flawless, and even more breathtakingly beautiful.

As if by mistake, Chu Heng leaned down very lightly, reaching out to poke An Qiao's face, ready to pinch An Qiao's real elf pointed ears.

But the moment his fingertips were about to touch, he hesitated again.

If Qiao Qiao wakes up after being touched by him again like the previous time, opens her eyes and sees him, and finds that the elf vest she had so well hidden was accidentally exposed, will she be very upset?

What's more, Qiao Qiao knew that he had seen through his elf's vest a long time ago, but she had the evil intention to hide it from him. Will she be even more angry?

Thinking of this, Chu Heng suddenly felt extremely guilty.

Moreover, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but at this moment, he seemed to see An Qiao's eyelashes suddenly tremble slightly as if he was disturbed.

Chu Heng: "!!!"

Qiaoqiao is not going to be woken up by him, right? !

Chu Heng was so frightened that he held his breath and did not dare to move.

However, there was a good chance that An Qiao didn't really wake up. I don't know if he just had the illusion because he was too nervous and guilty.


When An Qiao woke up the next day, he had automatically switched back to human form.

So he didn't know that he turned back into an elf after sleeping last night, and was even seen by Chu Heng.

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