Chapter 27

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When Chu Heng saw Zhou Xiaoran walking towards An Qiao, he was originally worried that An Qiao would be disturbed by Zhou Xiaoran, a sinister villain, so he ignored Marshal He next to him and strode towards An Qiao. go?.

Unexpectedly, when he approached there, he heard An Qiao mocking Zhou Xiaoran and comparing him with Zhou Xiaoran.

He is said to be far prettier than Zhou Xiaoran, his talent and martial arts are far better than Zhou Xiaoran's, and even his character and magnanimity are much higher than Zhou Xiaoran's. Zhou Xiaoran is nothing compared to him.

——Qiaoqiao is actually praising me!

Realizing this, Chu Heng's lips curled up uncontrollably.

It turns out that I actually have so many advantages in Qiaoqiao's heart?

To be so praised by Qiao Qiao, who has always been arrogant, reserved and picky, Chu Heng felt that if he were in the form of a giant dragon now, he would probably be proud of his tail.

Quicken your pace and walk towards Anyiao?

An Qiao caught a glimpse of Chu Heng walking towards him through the crowd, and suddenly realized that Chu Heng must have heard what he just said.

An Qiao: "..."

He froze, and the expression on his face couldn't help but be a little unnatural - of course, you can't tell if you don't look carefully. On the surface, he still looked very arrogant and indifferent.

Why is Chu Heng doing this? Come back soon!

An Qiao couldn't help but feel a little annoyed. I don’t know why, although what Chu Heng heard was that he was saying good things about Chu Heng, he still felt like he was caught by the elders of the elves when he was secretly drawing little figures in the elven class.

Chu Heng saw the unnatural look on An Qiao's face, suppressed the joy in his heart, and wisely did not tease An Qiao for complimenting him just now. Instead, he placed the delicious food on the plate on the coffee table in front of An Qiao. : "You like them all, how do you like it?"

Zhou Xiaoran on the side

said: "..." Zhou Xiaoran's face was already dark enough when An Qiao mocked him for being useless compared to Chu Heng.

Now he is being ignored by both An Qiao and Chu Heng. The two of them are showing off their affection in a sticky manner, as if he doesn't exist - one is the person he once pursued, and the other is his enemy. However, he didn't even look at him, treating him as an insignificant passerby.

It's not very harmful, but it's extremely insulting.

Zhou Xiaoran couldn't control the expression on his face, which turned ferocious.

"Why is Major General Zhou still here??" Chu Heng looked at Zhou Xiaoran with disgust in his eyes, as if he was dissatisfied with Zhou Xiaoran's interruption and urged Zhou Xiaoran to take the initiative and leave.

He raised his eyebrows and half-smiled: "Could it be that Major General Zhou felt that he didn't enjoy playing with me this morning and wanted to ask me to fight again?" "His Royal

Highness was joking. Who doesn't know that His Highness is a 3S-level orc?" "Zhou Xiaoran forced a smile.

He turned to look at An Qiao, wanting to say something to An Qiao -

but the moment his eyes were about to meet An Qiao's, Chu Heng frowned and quietly stood in front of An Qiao, standing in front of An Qiao. An Qiao behind him was completely blocked, not allowing Zhou Xiaoxiao to see even a piece of An Qiao's clothes.

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