Chapter 32

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The spaceship on which Chu Heng and An Qiao were riding was suddenly swept away by a black hole, which made the adjutant Jiang Qi very anxious.

He immediately contacted Chu Heng's other lieutenant Xue Luo.

Xue Luo was born as an orphan on a remote planet. Compared with most orcs in the empire, he is better at fighting. He can be said to be both literary and military, and he is a resourceful Confucian general. When Chu Heng was not in the Second Legion, he handled most of the legion's official affairs.

This time, Chu Heng brought An Qiao to Water Blue Star for the reason of "looking for a 2S-level elf healer". The affairs of the second legion were temporarily taken care of by the adjutant Xue Luo.

Jiang Qi had a headache: "His Highness may have been swept away by the black hole into the Soul Burial Snowfield of Aqua Blue Star. Such accidents have happened to spacecrafts approaching Aqua Blue Star before." "

Fortunately, Your Highness and An Qiao stayed behind. The vital sign sensor shows normal, and there is no danger to his life for the time being." "

It is not appropriate to let the news of His Highness's temporary disappearance spread out now. I will conceal the news of His Highness's temporary disappearance and lead people to get out as quickly as possible. The whereabouts of His Highness have been found in the Soul Burial Snowfield. Just in case, you should also pay attention to the legion and be prepared for the news of His Highness's disappearance to be leaked."

Xue Luo was much calmer than Jiang Qi: "It doesn't have to be too much. Worry. His Highness is extremely powerful, and he can fly in the form of a giant dragon. The Soul Burial Snowfield cannot trap

His Highness." Jiang Qi sighed: "I'm afraid of An Qiao..."

Jiang Qi stopped and did not continue.

After accidentally finding out that the current An Qiao was not the original eldest young master of the An family, Chu Heng gave him an order to destroy all clues and evidence about An Qiao's true identity no matter what method he used. , don't let anyone else discover An Qiao's true identity.

Since Chu Heng had given the death order, Jiang Qi naturally had to abide by it, and he did not even inform Xue Luo, who was Chu Heng's adjutant.

"Are you worried that the Crown Princess will hold His Highness back?" Xue Luo said.

He shook his head: "The Crown Princess' behavior is very... well, she is neat and tidy, and she doesn't seem to be a hindrance."

Jiang Qi: "..."

If it's really just a hindrance, then that's fine. However, An Qiao's origins and dangers are unknown, and he is afraid that An Qiao was arranged by the enemy and was too "simple and neat" to plot against Chu Heng.

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense to you."

Xue Luo: "You have to believe in His Highness's vision. His Highness has always judged people most accurately and has never missed anyone." "

Maybe His Highness is currently spending time with the Crown Princess . We're on honeymoon."

Jiang Qi: "..."

Jiang Qi secretly rolled his eyes.

"Wait... I'm sorry, I suddenly received a message." Jiang Qi's expression suddenly changed, "The most powerful and cunning Star Thief Group in the empire - the Greedy Wolf Star Thieves Group, Not long ago, everyone arrived at Water Blue Star and were buried in Lingxueyuan?!" "

I always have a bad feeling. Xue Luo, please check, why did the Thieves of Greedy Wolf Star want to Taking a huge risk to bury the spirit snow field? Is there something big going to happen in the spirit burial snow field during this time?"


In the vast snow field, the wind and snow never stop all year round.

After the sky gradually darkened, the snowy wind and snow at night became even colder and more biting.

After the small wooden house was tidied up and cleaned up, it finally looked a little habitable.

The wind and snow were blowing outside, and the fire burning inside the house was warm and bright, and it felt inexplicably warm and peaceful.

An Qiao sat in front of the fire, holding her chin with one hand, looking longingly at the roasted lamb leg with an attractive aroma in Chu Heng's hand.

Chu Heng hunted the sheep.

Before, when Chu Heng was going out to find prey for dinner, An Qiao was still not optimistic about it.

An Qiao herself is a kitchen killer. At that time, he entered the kitchen with confidence and fiddled with the recipe for several hours. After coming out of the kitchen with an indifferent expression, he never entered the kitchen again.

He felt that a person like Chu Heng who was in a high position should have similar cooking skills to him. They all had seven or six skills - they knew nothing, even if they looked black and black, the taste was even more appalling.

If he was asked to eat the unpalatable food made by Chu Heng, he would rather be hungry for a few more meals!

Anyway, the stronger you are, it doesn't matter if you are hungry for a few days.

When he and Chu Heng went out to look for prey, An Qiao was still young and schemingly separated from Chu Heng for a while, used the magic power of light attribute to spawn two fruit trees and picked some fruits.

——Even if he starves to death?, he doesn’t want to eat the “dinner” cooked by Chu Heng!

However, now smelling the rich and overbearing aroma of roast mutton in the air, An Qiao has decisively put all her previous vows behind her.

I can’t tell that Chu Heng actually has this skill! This cooking skill is so superb that it is simply unbelievable!

"Are you ready?" Smelling the increasingly strong aroma of roast mutton, he couldn't help but ask Chu Heng.

Chu Heng raised his eyebrows: "I remember that someone disliked my cooking skills before and said that I would just eat some fruits."

An Qiao: "..."

An Qiao firmly denied it: "Why don't I remember? "Have I ever said this?"

"But I still remember? -" Chu Heng sighed deeply and deliberately sadly, "It was so sad to be rejected by Qiao Qiao." It's

not that sad - it's almost enough to worry about.

God knows, when he saw those perfect-looking fruits that An Qiao brought back, he was filled with black streaks.

It is possible that there are fruit trees in this place, but there are almost none that are so fresh and in such good condition. Fruit trees that have been cared for carefully are not so perfect, let alone those grown in the wild. Moreover, he also noticed that there may be fruit trees in the surrounding area, but there are definitely no fruits with such bright and eye-catching colors.

These fruits were definitely created by An Qiao behind his back.

An Qiao's waistcoat covering her face is too casual! He almost wanted to tell An Qiao: Qiao Qiao, please be more careful!

An Qiao: "..."

An Qiao didn't see that Chu Heng was sad anyway. Instead, she seemed to be teasing him.

However, hearing what Chu Heng said, he still felt a little guilty.

After silently reflecting, An Qiao took a golden and round orange and handed it to Chu Heng: "Want to eat an orange?"

Chu Heng: "...?"

Is An Qiao "coaxing" him?

He raised his eyebrows slightly, trying to push the envelope: "That's it?" The

Elf King, who was "coaxing" for the first time, was inexperienced and thought he was too young: "...then give it all to you?"

Chu Heng curled his lips. : "You don't have to give it all to me. But I'm roasting the leg of lamb and don't have any spare time -"

He paused and chuckled: "How about... Qiaoqiao, could you please peel an orange for me and feed it to me?"

An Qiao: "..."

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