Chapter 83

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Hearing Chu Heng say "Okay", An Qiao opened the door and went in.

In the darkness, one firework lit up, two fireworks lighted up... The firework seemed to light up out of thin air without any heat, and the stars were dotted, extremely gorgeous.

The whole room lights up.

It's not the brightness of lights, but the gorgeous and graceful brightness of flames and candlelight.

The flames and candlelight illuminated the roses on the table and the cake with candles, as well as Chu Heng who was walking towards him.

"Qiao Qiao..."

Chu Heng felt slightly guilty.

Today is not a special day, but he wants to coax An Qiao first and make An Qiao happy. After two days, he will confess to An Qiao that he used his heart and blood to relieve An Qiao from the devil's curse.

It would be better to confess proactively than An Qiao finding out about it later.

Moreover, the treatment of Dragon's heartache is only the first step. There are two next steps to completely resolve the devil's curse on An Qiao. Both of these steps also require An Qiao's cooperation.

"Behead first, tell later" treated An Qiao with all his heart and soul, because he knew that if he told An Qiao Ming, An Qiao would never agree, and An Qiao would not allow him to be harmed.

Thinking of how angry An Qiao was after knowing this...

"Why do you feel like you are a little... guilty?" An Qiao narrowed her eyes sharply.

Chu Heng: "..."

He was just about to say that he had no guilty conscience, when he suddenly passed out!


Sure enough, the surprise turned into shock.

An Qiao was caught off guard and was still confused when Chu Heng, who was suddenly transformed into the form of a black giant dragon, rolled up his tail and put it on his back.

The giant black dragon soared into the sky, looking up to the sky with excitement and groaning.

An Qiao stretched out her hand to rub her brows with a headache -

because Chu Heng's bloodline of the dragon clan was further awakened, he could only maintain his animal form during the awakening period in the past few days, and temporarily lost his memory. His animal nature overcame his humanity, and his sanity was affected. Influence acts on instinct.

--I don't know whether I should be happy or speechless. Although Chu Heng could not recognize or remember him, the moment he woke up from coma, he wrapped his tail around him excitedly as if he had seen a shining treasure. waist and forcibly took him away.

After Chu Heng fell into coma, he hurriedly grabbed the fallen Chu Heng. After checking Chu Heng's physical condition, his face became frighteningly dark.

He discovered that Chu Heng's heart blood had been extracted!

Fortunately, Chu Heng was fine even though he was in a coma. The coma was due to the further awakening of the bloodline of the dragon clan in his body.

I don't know if the awakening of the dragon clan's bloodline requires breaking and then standing up. The blood from his heart was drained, and he suffered some injuries during this period, which inexplicably promoted Chu Heng's further awakening.

It has been a while since Chu Heng's heart blood was drawn, but because Chu Heng deliberately covered up the matter so that no one could see it, he did not notice it.

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