Chapter 12

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Just when everyone's heartbeats almost stopped, a scene appeared in front of them that made them dumbfounded:

The extremely ferocious bloodthirsty vine, for some unknown reason, suddenly stopped attacking, and a flower suddenly bloomed from the tip of the vine. The bright red flower, which was as big as a bowl, was raised tremblingly in front of An Qiao's eyes.

It seemed like he was trying to please An Qiao.

Moreover, I don't know if it's their misunderstanding, but they always feel that this bloodthirsty vine is very flattering and attentive as if it were a bitch.


Is this really a bloodthirsty vine that is full of attack power, cruel and bloodthirsty, and has a great reputation?

It's not disguised by other vines, right?

However, this is indeed Blood Vine, the real deal.

Looking at An Qiao again, to everyone's surprise, An Qiao didn't look scared at all. The expression on his face was cold and indifferent, as calm as if he was facing an ordinary plant instead of the terrifying addiction that almost killed him just now. Blood Vine.

The bloodthirsty vine, which had always been ferocious and ferocious, lowered its vines and flatteringly raised the trembling flowers on the top of the vines in front of the pale, cold and beautiful elf.

This scene is strange, yet unexpectedly beautiful and harmonious.

An Qiao lowered his eyes slightly and glanced at the flower held tremblingly in front of his eyes.

The vines of the bloodthirsty vine stiffened for a moment.

Maybe An Qiao didn't accept it because he thought the flowers weren't blooming enough. It chirped, and all of a sudden, hundreds of red flowers as big as a bowl bloomed, making people wonder if it had given up all the energy it had worked so hard to save in its body.

His attentiveness and flattery made the people next to him almost doubt their life.

Is it possible that this blood-thirsty vine is just for looks?

Generally speaking, people with plant-type powers have strong affinity and will be treated more favorably by plants, but that is limited to not attacking them casually. It is absolutely impossible to please them like this.

Not to mention, Bloodthirsty Vine is a ferocious existence that won't even give face to people with plant-type powers.

However, now, not only did the bloodthirsty vine not hurt An Qiao, but it also bloomed so many flowers to show its hospitality to An Qiao.

——It’s simply incredible, a unique thing.

It is said that when the search and rescue team of the Second Army entered the Star Beast Forest and found An Qiao, An Qiao was lying in a coma among the wild roses with her eyes closed. The surrounding star beasts and ferocious plants did not harm him for some unknown reason.

Thinking about it now, An Qiao, a weak elf, went into the dangerous star beast forest alone and came out alive - could it be that those star beasts and ferocious plants were just as good-looking as this bloodthirsty vine? An Qiao's breathtaking beauty made them all Can't bear to hurt you?

Well, I have to say that An Qiao is indeed beautiful, as beautiful as a real elf.

Everyone was still so shocked by this scene that they couldn't believe it and doubted their lives. Before they could react, An Qiao glanced at the bloodthirsty vine with a cold eyebrow.

Now the Bloodthirsty Vine seemed to know what An Qiao meant. It stiffly, obediently and tamely withdrew the vines that were showing their claws, and stayed as quiet as a chicken on its original territory, not daring to move rashly.

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