Chapter 74

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Chu Heng actually didn't have high hopes, but then he heard An Qiao say: "I can teach you Elvish."

He even wondered if he heard it wrong!

Unexpectedly, Qiaoqiao actually agreed to teach him the Elvish language and teach him "I love you" in the Elvish language! It seemed that Qiao Qiao was indeed in a good mood tonight, and her attitude towards him was incredibly good.

Just when he was secretly chuckling and thinking that the suggestion he just made was really brilliant, An Qiao said calmly: "I'll give it to you another day. You can compile a textbook for learning Elf language for cubs."

Chu Heng: "..."

I'll tell you what you say. Just teach it yourself or compile Elf language learning materials? Forget it.

But why?, this learning material -

is it for cubs? !


At two o'clock in the afternoon the next day, the "Xenoplant Affinity Contest" was held in Blue Star City.

The rules of the competition are very simple and crude:

the competition provides three levels of exotic plants, namely B-level mutant sunflowers, A-level stinky fruit, and S-level ghost flowers. Contestants need to rely on their own abilities to appease these alien plants and make them willing to hand over what they need to advance.

The first thing the contestants face is the B-class mutant sunflower. If it cannot be appeased, it will be defeated and eliminated. If you succeed, you will be promoted to the next level and continue to challenge the A-level stinky fruit. After further promotion, we will reach the final S-class ghost flower, which will determine the top ten, top three and final champion of the competition.

There were three to four hundred people participating in the competition, the vast majority of whom were orcs with plant-based powers, and only a handful of whom were elves. Moreover, almost all of them are B-level or A-level, and there are only a few S-level ones. This competition is not very valuable, and it is famous for being funny. The only praiseworthy thing is that the prize money is generous.

In the first round of the competition against Class B Sunflowers, the contestants took to the stage in six batches. Each contestant has ten minutes to appease the Class B mutant sunflower. If you get a mutated sunflower and take the initiative to give out sunflower seeds within ten minutes, you will be promoted successfully.

When the signal gun goes off, the game begins.

The first batch of dozens of contestants took the stage first. An Qiao was among the sixth and last batch to take the stage.

An Qiao was in the backstage waiting area, watching with some curiosity how the contestants on the stage comforted the mutated sunflower.

An S-level plant-type superpower, with a scar on his face and a thick orc with a confident smile on his face, confidently unleashed his superpower on the mutated sunflower in front of him, as if he already had a chance to win.

The next second, "Swish, swish, swish -", the mutated sunflower seemed to be irritated and fired melon seeds at him crazily. Thousands of melon seeds shot towards the S-class orc like sharp arrows, almost turning him into a hornet's nest. Although he was not injured because of the protective measures, his clothes and hair were messy, and his whole body was gray and gray. Coupled with the confused and blank eyes on his face, he looked very funny.

Seeing this scene, many people in the audience laughed out loud.

The mutated sunflower is relatively less violent among the mutant plants, but it can also attack annoying people with melon seeds. If you like someone, you will also give melon seeds, but the action will be much gentler and will not attack the person.

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