Chapter 37

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After the blood stains on his face were wiped away, An Qiao came back to his senses.

Some distress.

In this situation, how could he explain the corpses of members of the Greedy Wolf Star Thief Group here?

——It is impossible for him to pretend to be an "elf with sluggish fighting ability" to achieve this level.

So, now Chu Heng should know that he is not the original eldest young master of the An family, right?

Forget it, just know it. It would be a matter of time anyway, after all, he didn't bother to pretend at all. Or to be precise, he barely pretended at all. It's actually not difficult to tell that he is not the original eldest son of the An family.

He had vaguely doubted whether Chu Heng had seen something before. At that New Year's Day dinner, because his identity was questioned, Chu Heng got so angry that he beat someone out of control to prevent Zhou Xiaoran from telling the truth. This extreme reaction was really puzzling.

Now that I think about it, Chu Heng should have guessed at that time that he was not the original eldest son of the An family, right? Even if he hadn't guessed it at the time, when he used light magic to treat Chu Heng out of desperation, Chu Heng should have had doubts.

Therefore, when Chu Heng saw the one-sided bloody massacre scene with only him standing, there was no trace of surprise on his face.

Thinking about it, after he treated Chu Heng, Chu Heng asked innocently: "It turns out that Qiao Qiao actually failed to fully awaken, but partially awakened? Healing ability?" He also

told him "No need" in a very "understanding" way. "Nervous", trying to make up for him by saying that the person behind his assassination has not yet been found, so it is normal for him to hide his "strength" and not let others know that he has not fully awakened and failed.

At that time, he also lamented that Chu Heng was really a "good person" and even thought about it automatically, so that he would not fall off his horse.

Now -


Chu Heng is really insidious and cunning! Even though he had seen through it, he still pretended not to see through it and just watched him act silly from the side!

"You're not injured, are you?" Chu Heng withdrew his hand to wipe away the blood on An Qiao's cheek, frowned slightly and looked An Qiao up and down carefully, fearing that there was any injury on An Qiao's body.

He came all the way anxious and anxious, not wanting to think about whether An Qiao was in danger.

The moment he saw An Qiao again, saw that An Qiao was safe and sound, and saw the blood on An Qiao's face, he finally came to his senses.

Why didn't he dare to stimulate the "sick" An Qiao when he was matched by the master brain system? He was afraid that An Qiao would be gone after being stimulated, so he didn't cancel the match. He earnestly persuaded An Qiao to be optimistic, take a good rest, and not seek short-sightedness?

Why did his first reaction when he found out that An Qiao was not the original eldest young master of the An family, tell Jiang Qi to destroy all relevant clues and evidence to prevent anyone else from discovering An Qiao's true identity.

Why did he hear it? When Zhou Xiaoran questioned the authenticity of An Qiao's identity, he would be so angry...

An Qiao didn't know the ups and downs in Chu Heng's heart at this moment.

"You don't seem surprised at all?" He raised his eyes slightly to look at Chu Heng and said casually.

Chu Heng: "..."

Only then did Chu Heng realize that he couldn't care less just now, and he never thought about covering up An Qiao's vest.

"Why are you surprised?" He deliberately pretended to be stupid.

An Qiao didn't fight him, and asked directly: "When did you know that I was not the original eldest son of the An family?"

"Very early." Chu Heng secretly glanced at An Qiao's expression. After all, he didn't dare to lie. He said honestly, "I knew it just after you took the test of the Star Beast Forest of the First Military Academy of the Empire."

However, although he did not lie, he concealed himself. At the same time, he also already knew about the vest of the An Qiao Elf.

It seems that An Qiao still doesn't know that another layer of his vest has fallen off.

If he knew, the distance between him and An Qiao would be even greater.

"You knew it so early?"

An Qiao took a deep breath: "So you are acting all the time? Are you still watching me pretending stupidly?"

Chu Heng: "..."

My wife is angry. This How to coax?

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