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Ace POV:

"Liam!" we both exclaimed, frustration evident in our voices.

He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and flopped down on the couch, looking completely unconcerned.

We both laid there, breathing heavily. I backed away from her and we sat up on the couch as she adjusted her dress, pouting.

Within moments, all my friends had gathered around the couch.

Felix, Aiden, and Alex had clearly been roused from their beds, evident by the fact that they were only wearing pajama pants. The others were dressed but looked just as groggy.

They all looked like they might fall asleep here if I let them.

"Why the hell did you call us?" Susan asked, laying her head on Aiden's lap, her eyes half-closed with sleepiness.

"I specifically told everyone to meet me here at 9 sharp, and it's already past 11. Motherfuckers!" I snapped, gritting my teeth in frustration.

I noticed Iris glancing around at everyone with concern as she sat beside me. Her cheeks were flushed with shyness while Liam alternated between smirking at her and glancing at me.

"So, what? We forgot," Felix said, his voice thick with drowsiness as he rubbed his eyes.

"Look, we all came here without changing out of our nightwear. So, can you please get to the point?" Hudson sighed loudly, clearly exasperated..

"Sugarbun, why are you in that dress and heels at this hour?" Susan asked, raising an eyebrow and eyeing Iris with a mix of curiosity and amusement.

"Um...I was practicing walking in these," Iris mumbled, fidgeting under their scrutinizing gazes.

"Oh, practicing, huh? And what was Ace doing with you?" Liam asked innocently, a mischievous glint in his eye.

I shot him a sharp glare.

"Ace was helping me," Iris said, her voice barely above a whisper as she stared at her fingers, clearly feeling shy.

Just then, Ares appeared, bowing his head as he entered the room. "Should I take him here?" he asked, looking between us with a serious expression.

I nodded my head and stood up, scooping Iris into my arms. She let out a small gasp of surprise as I started to walk towards my bedroom.

"Dude, you woke us up in the middle of the night and now you're heading off to bed?" Leo grumbled from the couch, clearly annoyed.

Shutting the door behind me, I gently set Iris down on the floor. With deliberate movements, I began to remove her attire, leaving her in her boyshort panties.

"Can you tell Liam to not mock or tease me for what he saw earlier?" Iris asked, pouting hard, clearly embarrassed.

I smiled as she sat on the bed and I carefully took off her heels.

"Bambi, if Liam teased you, I'll knock out his teeth. So, don't worry about it," I assured her, placing a kiss on her nose and then her lips.

She looked up at me expectantly, her big eyes filled with trust. Lifting her upright, I laid her on the bed and covered her with the blanket.

"I want you to sleep until I sort out some problems," I explained, pecking her nose tenderly.

Her dainty hands cradled my face as she leaned in for a quick kiss. "Okay, but come back fast. I don't love this bed without you," she murmured, her voice filled with genuine affection.

I bit my lip and nodded my head, smiling at her earnest request.

With that, she laid on her stomach, and I walked out of the room, locking the door behind me, grinning like I hit a lottery. I mean I did.

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