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Name: Kara Sharper


Height: 5'6

Hair length & Color: Short, thin, & black (profile pic if shown)

Skin tone: Medium tan

Eye Color: Blue(left) Purple(right). Has Heterochromia

Weight: Medium. Not too thin, not too fat. I ain't telling you anything else! But I have muscles, that's all you need to know hehehe.

Traits/Personality: I'm a kickboxer. I'm a pretty nice person but if you set me off get ready to get a one way ticket to hurtville! But it doesn't take a lot to get my temper rising. I'm a goofball but I know when a situation is serious and needs to be taken seriously. I'm always there for a person in need whether it is a shoulder to cry on, lean on, or to protect in any situation. I'm not one of those girls who goes out looking for love because I'm happy to be single and I know my soul mate will appear when we're both ready. I drive a scooter since I'm not old enough to get a license...yet, hehe. I love food, especially fair food! I don't like scary movies or stories...and I think that about sums it up...Guess you'll know what you need to know in my backstory!

Welcome again! I guess I should start out with my family, huh? I have my mother, father, and oldest sister. My father's name is Kevin, he is a famous musician in a band called "Blindsided Warriors." I know, it sounds corny but that doesn't stop his fans from loving his music. My mother, Rachael, is a famous fashion designer with her "Sheik & Elegance" catalog. And lastly, my sister, Sara. We're practically twins, even though she's taller, has longer hair, and her eyes are opposite of mine....ok, we're not twins but you get what I mean! She followed in my father's foots steps in the music business. She is the lead singer in her band and is just as famous as my father.

I know what you're thinking but before you say something shut up and let me continue. My mother and father wanted me to have my own choice in what life I wanted so when she was pregnant she hid it from the world with the help of some really close friends of hers and dads. When I was born I was raised by my aunt but my parents would visit me everyday despite their jobs so I knew they were my parents. When I was old enough to speak clearly they gave me the choice to be shown to the world or continue living a normal life and I chose to live normally and thats how it stayed until I began to get picked on at school one day because my eyes were so different so my father (and eventually my mother) agreed to take me to self defense classes. I chose kickboxing cause it looked so awesome and turns out I have a knack for it!! But when my first match came up and my opponent saw my eye colors he began to use that as a distraction and won the match. I was devastated and my father noticed this so he took me aside and introduced me to a close friend of his named Hamato Yoshi. (Ha! Didn't think there would be a connection, huh?!)

Anyways, despite the difference of self defense, his being ninjitsu and mine kickboxing, he trained me to use my senses and to fight blind, well blindfolded, and I grew close to him, loving him as a second father. When my birthday came up I invited him to my party but he never showed up. In fact, he just disappeared from the earth all together. No sign of note or anything. It broke my heart but I continued to train with a different master. I grew stronger but it didn't feel the same without him.

Well, when I was old enough I decided to move out and live on my own at age 15. My mother was furious at the idea but my dad understood that to stay hidden from the world I would have to leave them. After painful goodbyes, specially from my sister, I left and headed for New York. Even though the goodbye was heartbreaking my parents kept in contact with me and paid for the hotel/apartment I was staying at. It was the top too! Freaking penthouse! It was awesome!! But I realized I had to find a job as soon as possible so I set out and looked for one.

Since I didn't know my way around New York I ended up in the slums and found a flyer for an underground boxing tournament. I signed up immediately. As you know there were buff guys that looked like they were on steroids and of course, me being me I was mocked when I entered the rink, after putting on the appropriate gear and I used the technique Master Yoshi taught me and had the referee blindfold me before the match started and when it did, boy did I rock! I could sense their shock and awe as I took the guy down, winning $5,000! I was approached by my now manager, and close friend Casey Jackson.

It's been a year now and I'm called "The Blind Bandit" now which I don't mind, its pretty catchy. Even though I chose this life I share my father's talent for music. I can play the guitar and sing, not as good as my sister but still good. My life was perfect but little did I know the next time I would walk out the apartel (apartment/hotel) my life would turn upside down.

There! That's my character profile of Kara Sharper! I hope you all enjoyed it. I will get started on the TMNT story soon! If you haven't guessed its going to be Donnie/OC. This is my first attempt at writing a story so go easy on me. Haha xD

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