Shh! Daddy is sleeping

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"I'm home!" Clarke yelled from the front door of their apartment. She stepped inside locking the door behind her and bringing with her pizza and her purse. As she walks in she's silenced by her daughter Athena with the words "Shh! Daddy is sleeping!" In the form of a whisper yell. Clarke averted her vision towards her five-year-old daughter, who was gently patting her fathers' dark curls for a more soothing sleep. Clarke silently walked towards them, careful of not waking Bellamy. "Sorry sweetheart, come on I brought dinner, set up the table, I'll handle daddy" Clarke whispered in response, the little girl nodded and careful not to wake her father, she slipped off the couch and straight to the dining room. Clarke had to admit the image of her daughter and husband when she walked in, was one of the most beautiful family moments she had ever seen. Slowly she approached the sleeping Bellamy and gently woke him with the sweetest voice she could muster. "Bell? Babe? Wake up honey it's dinner time" her soothing voice slowly woke him from his slumber, and as he stretched he yawned a "hey babe" He carefully got up and closed the distance between them, placing a sweet kiss on her lips. "How was your day?" He asked with a groggy voice, "fine, nothing out of the ordinary" she smiled making him chuckle a bit, they headed straight to the dining room to meet Athena, who was now by her second slice of pizza. "Wow! Slow down there champ, remember to chew" Bellamy teased "Daddy!" She wined still eating the slice as if it were her last meal. Clarke cherished these moments with her family, it was worth all the smiles.After a few more hours of laughter, they settled on going to bed. Everyone was fast asleep until Clarke herd the creek of her door when she looked up she saw a scared Athena who was walking towards her mom with a blankie in hand and thumb in her mouth. "Mommy, I had a bad dream" she whispered and when Clarke looked at her, she noticed the tear-stained face that was pleading with fear, she had been crying, and who could blame her, a nightmare where your loving parents end up hating each other and then their child, scares the living daylight out of any growing child. "It's alright baby, come here you can sleep with us" Clarke whispered back slowly with Clarke's help Athena climbed the bed and crawled between her parents to settle down her small body. "Just remember 'Shh! Daddy is sleeping!'" Clarke whispered to her daughter, quoting her exact words from earlier, this caused Athena to giggle & nod. Clarke smiled and kissed her forehead before falling asleep once more but before she was fully out, she felt a pair of lips press against hers and a whisper saying "I wasn't really sleeping" That made her drift off to sleep with a smile on her face.

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