Daddy's little girl

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"Clarke I'm not letting her date! End of discussion!" Bellamy yelled exasperated by now, "Bell you are one of the camp leaders, need I might add your the one everyone is scared of disappointing or getting mad, besides she has your full stubborn and leading personality, she won't let anyone walk all over her! So stop being stubborn and let your daughter have a little fun!" Clarke yelled back getting madder by the second. "Well if everyone knows they should fear me, then that boy should know better than to go after MY little girl!" Bellamy was at the verge of breaking a wall by now. Penelope Blake, the latest addition to the Blake family, is seventeen years old. She's beautiful, in fact, she's the most beautiful descendant that was born from the original hundred. Unfortunately, her father sees it as both a blessing and undoing. Her beauty makes all the boys fall head over hills for her, meaning there are a lot of boys trying to get in her pants faster than they can say 'hi', and knowing she is the co-leaders' daughter makes it worse because she's one hell of a trophy to all those hormonal teenage boys. Fortunately, Penelope knows enough self-defense to kill five boys with a flick of the wrist, and she knows about all the boys trying to get in her pants, always trying to buy her affection, inviting her to remote places they're not supposed to go to. Penelope is much to smart for that, she gets it from her mom and she learns from her mothers' mistakes, also she's stubborn and excessively violent when needed much like her dad. "Really Bell! Trust me that boy does not want to get in her pants anytime soon" Clarke stated back at her husband with a smirk forming at her face "I'm pretty sure he is" Bellamy responded now a bit calmer, "Bell he's Monty's kid for crying out loud, MONTY!" Clarke stated back eyes open wider for emphasis "he's just like his dad and you really think that he wants to get in her pants!? Would you rather she'd go with Murphy's kid, who always eyeballs her butt in a very non-discrete and predatory way!?!" Clarke was literally about to slap him if it weren't for the fact that she loves him so much, "of course not! I'd rather cut off my balls than let that happen!" He yelled back, "than what's this really about? you know Xavier, you and I help raise the kid along with Penelope. You know he would never do anything to hurt her and that his not some hormonal teenager trying to get in our daughter's pants. He's a good kid, in fact, his the most decent boy you will ever find here that would treat Penelope like the princess she is and you know that Bell" Clarke had stopped the yelling now and started in a sweet soothing voice to help Bellamy calm down a bit. "I know, I know, it's just..." He sighed in defeat and put his head in his hands as he sat down on their makeshift bed. "Babe are you scared of losing her?" Clarke asked sitting beside him and taking his hands away to cup his face "yeah I guess I am, it's just she's my little girl Clarke she's growing up to fast and I don't want that" he just looked down, Clarke leaned up and kissed his forehead sweetly "Bell she will always be our little girl that will never change, but we're all bound to grow up unfortunately" she said kissing his forehead again, he just sighs. "You know you were really making a stupid point with Xavier" she chuckled "what are you talking about, I'm a worried dad it's my job to assume the worst" She laughed at him and rubbed his cheek "Bell need I remind you who you DIDN'T sleep with on the first week here" she smirked "and by the time I let you have me you got me pregnant at nineteen, and you really think MONTY'S kid is capable of doing worse than you?!" She laughed, her hands clutching her stomach. Bellamy grunted and she fell back on the bed in laughter "laugh all you want princess but we all make mistakes" he said climbing on top of her to hover over her still laughing like a maniac. "Yeah but not as stupid as yours" she said in tears from all the laughing "oh shut up!" He said planting a kiss on her lips to shut her up. She kissed back and giggled between kisses as she cupped his face again "you know I love you right?" She asked still smiling, he looked at her with lust and love in his eyes and leaned down to peck her lips again "not more than I love you" he stated over her lips causing both of them to smile.They kept kissing for a while until they heard a melodic voice call out to them "Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Penelope yelled from the cabin door. Clarke appeared first giving her daughter a hug at the entrance and giving her a kiss on her forehead. Then Bellamy appeared and stood by the counter "hey kiddo" he said, Penelope turned her head towards her father and smiled, she ran up to him and jumped hugging him, Bellamy held her close hugging her tight "how was hunting practice?" He asked into her hair, "horrible! All the boys kept looking at my butt and no matter what I said about ripping their eyes out if they kept looking they wouldn't stop!" She whined into his shoulder and he hugged her closer "next time you have to be our teacher daddy, maybe if you're there they'll be too scared to look" she said to him "plus we can beat them up together!" She said with enthusiasm & Bellamy just laughed, but nodded his head "you got a deal little princess" he said putting her down. Clarke only smiled and walked up to them "you two are Blake's alright, no denying it" She laughed, Bellamy took the opportunity to wrap both of his girls in a big family hug. They just laughed the night away and Bellamy was happy knowing that Clarke was right as always their daughter can take care of herself, but she rather have her dad help her create a scary image on all the boys trying to take advantage of her & he wouldn't have it any other way.

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