Daddy's home

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It's been exactly one year since Mackenzie last saw her daddy. Today she was turning four years old and all she wanted was her daddy back. Clarke did her best threw out the last year of keeping her daughters mind off her fathers' lack of presence, but this year all the crying, all the pain, all of that empty feeling was finally going to vanish. Today he's coming home, Clarke already knows, they already planned for Clarke to pick him up at the airport, the only one that doesn't know is Mack. Today's plan was simple: get Bellamy & he will pick up Mack from school to surprise her. It's currently 7:30 a.m. and Mack is getting ready for her first day in head start. "Are you ready honey?" Clarke asked now at the door frame of her daughters' room "yeah" she answered with a gloomy voice, her sadness clear in her tone. Clarke approached the bed were Mack was currently sitting, dangling her feet with her untied converse on, Clarke slowly sat down tying up her daughter's laces, "it's ok baby, I know you miss daddy but he gets a FaceTime call today, so you'll be able to see him" Clarke tried cheering her up a bit, "I just want to hug him again" was all Mackenzie said as a small tear went down her face. "Hey no crying" Clarke wiped her daughters tears away slowly before continuing, "it's your birthday and even though daddy can't be here, he sent you a surprise and your going to have all of daddy's FaceTime today" she said a hand to Mack's shoulder and the other poking her small nose. With that Mackenzie hugged her mother in gratitude, she might not have her daddy but at least her mommy is always there.

After their small mother-daughter moment Clarke drove Mackenzie out to head start, now they were walking the hallways of the building hand in hand. As they reached the room were Mackenzie will spend the rest of her day, Clarke got down on her knees and put her hands on Mackenzie's shoulders once again. "Alright honey today's your first day, so it's ok to be nervous, but I want you to know there's nothing to be nervous about, I'll pick you up around 1:30 ok?" Clarke stated as her daughter stared back with big brown eyes "thanks mom" was all the little girl said as she hugged her mother tightly, Clarke hugged her back and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head and whispered through her hair "happy birthday baby" she placed another kiss and watched as her daughter ran towards the classroom with a new happy attitude.Clarke was driving to Octavia's house to pick her up and then go wait for Bellamy at the airport. "Hey, Clarke! How did it go with Mack?" Octavia greeted her as she stepped aside to let Clarke enter her home. "She was sad at first, but it's understandable, she hasn't seen her dad in a year and all she wants is to have him home, even if it's for today" Clarke responded. "Well, I hope she feels the same way when she finds out that he's not leaving again" Octavia responded with a giggle, "oh! I think she'll be ecstatic to know her dad is never leaving her again" Clarke joined in with a fit of giggles and as they were done laughing, Octavia finished some things that were needed and soon they were on their way to the airport.

At the airport, they waited for Bellamy to show up as they saw the soldiers begin to make their ways to their families. Clarke had suffered this before, when she was in her last year of college and he came back on her graduation day and proposed to her right there on the stage when she was 6 months pregnant with Mackenzie and he came back just in time to be present at the birth of their child. Unfortunately, he was called on Christmas to go back and he wouldn't return until a year and a few months afterward. Today was that day again, the day she could hold him in her arms again and kiss him for as long as she could and never let go. "There he is!" Octavia yelled breaking Clarke from her thoughts and making her look up to a smiling soldier that was none other than Bellamy Blake himself. As soon as their eyes met he broke into a huge smile and Clarke ran up to him wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, all while she buried her face in the crook of his neck. "Hey princess, miss me?" He asked hugging her tightly to him and spinning her around, Clarke didn't even have the strength to say yes, so she just nodded into his neck suddenly being able to whisper "I love you" and she was crying into his neck by now. "I love you too princess" he said stroking her hair gently as he set her down. As soon as her feet hit the ground again she grabbed his face and kissed him passionately, reaching her hands behind his neck and his hands on her waist. They broke the kiss now foreheads pressed against each other, he then pressed a sweet kiss on her forehead and hugged her close once more. As soon as they broke apart he greeted his sister with a bear hug and a forehead kiss.They went through the day going to visit all their friends and family until it was time to pick up Mackenzie. They already have a surprise party waiting for her at home, but the big surprise was on its way. It was 1:30 and the kids were picking up all their belongings and heading out of the classroom and into the hallway to meet their parents. Mackenzie was one of the first ones to get out, she didn't see her mom so she just waited beside the door, seeing all the kids go to both of their parents made that sadness rise from were it laid deep within her the entire day. Everyone was already with their parents and some were heading out and she was standing there alone, wanting nothing more than her daddy to pick her up. At this point, she put her head down as the tears started to go down her face when all of a sudden "Mackenzie?!" Yelled a voice down the hall, but not just any voice, she knew that voice all too well, "dad!" She looked up whipping away the tears of sadness that were crowding her vision, to see her father at the end of the hallway yelling for her "Mack!", "DADDY!" She yelled running down the hallway into her daddy's arms, when she finally reached him he picked her up and hugged her close, much like he did to her mother earlier that day and spun her around. "Daddy" was all Mackenzie could say, crying into her father's shoulder. "Hey there little princess" he said kissing the side of her head "I missed you daddy" she said with more tears brimming her eyes. "I missed you too little princess" he said kissing her head again "happy birthday baby" he said into her hair. Slowly Mackenzie retracted her face from her father's shoulder so she could see his face again, Bellamy whipped away the tears staining his daughters' flushed cheeks. She smiled at him with that Blake smile, all her pearly whites flashing. "I'm home little princess and I'm never leaving you again" he said kissing her forehead and she buried her face in his shoulder again. They walked out of the building that way Mackenzie in Bellamy's arms face buried deep in her father's neck and him stroking her long burnt blond hair as they made their way back home. Mackenzie had a very happy birthday this year after all daddy is finally home.

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