Our baby

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Clarke never thought she would find herself in this situation, three months pregnant on a radioactive planet. Truth be told she didn't know she was pregnant until her symptoms began showing as well as her bump, which was around the last weeks of her third month. All threw this she thought of the last time she slept with someone and to actually realize at this moment after all the stress of finding out she is three months pregnant that she is carrying none other than Bellamy Blake's child makes the stress levels go crazy, sure after a few years adapting to the ground they had finally given into the fact that they loved each other and formed a romantic relationship, but that has lead to something they hadn't expected, and now all Clarke can think is, what if he doesn't want the baby? What if he leaves me? Will he be mad that I'm pregnant?. The questions roamed her head in an endless sea of doubts, so far the only people who knew were her mom and her, but she needed to tell Bellamy sooner or later. Now she's sitting on the makeshift bed at the med bay, trying to rub the stress out of her head, "princess?" His voice came with a small knock against the wall, "over here" she called him over from the end of the med bay, "what's wrong? I thought your mom said you weren't sick, wait! Are you hurt? Is there a wound I should know about?" She sweetly chuckled at his protective instinct, it was always sweet for him to worry, "no Bell I'm fine, we'll sort of... I need you to sit down for what I'm about to tell you" she softly patted the bed in front of her and Bellamy sat down with a confused look on his face. "Remember a few months ago when we, um... You know" she blushed and he smirked, "of course I do princess, one of the best nights of my life" he smiled and so did she although her smile quickly vanished into a frown, "hey what's wrong Clarke?" Bellamy asked concerned as he lifted her face so their eyes could meet, his hand cupped her cheek and his thumb rubbed against the smooth skin soothing her. Clarke took a deep breath as she leaned more towards his touch, "Bell... I'm...I'm pregnant" she stuttered and suddenly Bellamy froze, his thumb stopped moving against her cheek and only his eyes were working, rapidly diverting between Clarke's belly and her eyes, "Bell?" She said in a sad whisper, "please say something" she begged, when he looked up from her belly for the hundredth time to meet her eyes, he saw she was crying, he slowly wiped away the tears and cupped her face fully to kiss her forehead, then he hugged her tightly and closely to him as he rubbed soothing circles on her back. Clarke still cried for a bit more, even if he hugged her it didn't mean he isn't upset about it, as Clarke finished crying and pulled away from the crook of his neck small tears were still falling, eyes red and puffy faced as she hiccuped her next words, "I'm so...sorry...Bell" she cried again and Bellamy only cupped her face with both hands slamming his lips to hers in a passionate kiss. As they pulled away after a few minutes, their eyes remained closed and Clarke's lips were still a bit puckered, when she batted her eyes open, Bellamy opened his eyes as well and they sat there staring at each other's eyes, not once losing contact and hands intertwined, they were a bit out of breath slowly breathing in air and exhaling. The first to break the silence was none other than Bellamy himself, "Clarke... I need you to know that..." He suddenly looked down at their hands taking a strong breath and gathering his strength to continue, "I need you to know that I love you, no matter what, and I'm going to love this baby just as much, if not more than my love for you and Octavia combined. I'm not going to leave your side, I'll be with you every step of the way and we are going to raise this baby, our baby as a family" he softly smiled making Clarke do the same, "if I'm honest, I was scared you would hate me" she sniffled, Bellamy shook his head with a smile on his face and kissed her lips again but softly this time. Three months later she had unbelievable cravings and she was as big as a beach ball, but Bellamy didn't mind, he would always say she was the most gorgeous woman to walk this earth and Clarke would always laugh and kiss him, he did however missed the times a few months ago when she was constantly horny but for the moment he wasn't complaining. Clarke was now on her ninth month and she could pop at any moment, currently she was on the makeshift bed with Bellamy sitting behind her softly rubbing her stomach and feeling their baby kick and turn, they would smile with every small movement and he would kiss the crown of her head, together they would talk to her growing bump, it was going great when... "Bell!" Clarke said in a nervous tone, "what's wrong princess?" He said smiling against her head, "Bell my water just broke" her eyes were wide and her voice was shaky and Bellamy's eyes suddenly popped out of his head at her statement, "what?! Ok, we have to get you to the med bay unless-" before he could finish his sentence Clarke screamed in pain from the sudden contraction, "unless you're in pain, I'll go get your mom, ok babe?" He kissed her head once more as she nodded and he headed to the door, "hang in there princess I'll be back as soon as possible" Clarke's face was scrunched up in pain, "please hurry Bell" she said as the contraction ended and she took quick breaths. "Octavia!" Bellamy yelled as he stepped onto the main floor of their cabin, they refused to stay on the ark because they felt locked up there and mount weather for obvious reasons, "what's wrong Bell?!" She said stepping into his view, "O I need you to stay with Clarke while I go get Abby, her water just broke and she's getting contractions!" He said frantic heading towards the door, "WHAT?!" Octavia's eyes grew wide and she ran upstairs to be by Clarke's side while Bellamy got back. Bellamy could have sworn he ran the camp twice and he couldn't find Abby, he burst back into the med bay, "where in this hell of a planet is Abby?!" He yelled with his nostrils flaring furiously, "I told you, Bellamy, she isn't here" Jackson argued, Bellamy was now furious and couldn't control himself, he roughly took Jackson by his shirt and brought his face dangerously close to his own, "listen bub the love of my life is sitting on a bed at this very moment giving birth and she needs more than a guy who saw his mother give birth when he was six, I'm not stupid enough anymore to let my girl go through that the same way when I don't know if it will end the same way! Do I make myself clear?!" He growled, "now go find Abby!" Jackson nodded as he frantically ran around, after two minutes he brought Abby back to Bellamy, "finally! Where in hell were you?! Clarke is giving birth now! And she needs professional medical help so let's go!" With that they ran back to the cabin to see Clarke in pain holding onto Octavia's hand, "come on deep breaths" Octavia encouraged, "Octavia not helping!" Clarke said in pain, Bellamy made his way towards them taking Octavia's place, he softly wiped away the sweat on Clarke's forehead, "it's alright princess I'm back" he said kissing her hand, Clarke only smiled and Bellamy smiled back before looking up at his sister, "thanks O" she smiled and nodded, "alright let's see how you're doing honey" Abby said as she checked Clarke. Clarke turned her face to look at Bellamy, he smiled when he caught her stare and she frowned, "Bell I'm scared" she whispered and a lone tear made its way down her eye, Bellamy quickly wiped it away, "hey, hey don't cry, you're going to be alright I promise princess" he whispered back kissing her forehead, Clarke smiled at the contact and tightened her grip on his hand, he returned to gaze at her eyes and they smiled. After a good forty-five minutes Clarke was ready to push, "alright Clarke you can start pushing" Clarke's pain filled screams erupted in the entire cabin, "come on Clarke one last push" Abby instructed, Clarke gripped Bellamy's hand tighter and he squeezed back to let her know he wasn't going anywhere, "Bell I can't" she whispered with tears rolling down her eyes, Bellamy lowered himself so he could whisper back and she could hear, "princess we believe in you, I believe in you, you can do this, just one last push and we'll have our baby in our hands" he kissed her hand gently before continuing, "I'm right here princess, just hold tight and don't let go until it's over" he moved the hair that was across her face for her to have a better view, "I love you Bell" she smiled, he kissed her forehead once more, "I love you too princess". With that Clarke gave the final push and now Clarke's pain filled cries were replaced by a baby's cry, "it's a girl!" Abby squealed and Everyone smiled, "Bellamy come cut the umbilical cord" Abby instructed, Bellamy hesitantly let go of Clarke's hand as he went over to cut the cord, once that was done Abby cleaned the girl and softly gave her to Bellamy, the moment the small girl was fully in her father's arms she slowly quieted and fell asleep, it made Bellamy smile to know that his daughter found safety in his arms. Bellamy walked towards Clarke and settled the sleeping beauty in her arms, he sat beside Clarke wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they stared at their sleeping daughter with big smiles and tears of joy. The girl had a bit of light brown hair growing on her scalp and her skin for the moment was quite rosy, but she was beautiful, Clarke rested her head on Bellamy's shoulder, "we did that" she smiled, "we sure did" he smiled, they turned their heads to share a small kiss and soon returning their gaze back to their daughter. Later the next day after everyone had gotten sleep, they gave Octavia the honor to name her niece, in the end, Bellamy, Clarke and their daughter Nadia lived happily as a family.

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