Outside the gates

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"Bellamy! Have you seen my boots?!" Clarke yelled through the cabin, "No! Have you seen mine?!" Bellamy yelled back from the kitchen, "No! I can't find Augustus' boots either!" She responded, today the small family was going to head out to the forest to stock up on food and medicinal herbs. Everyone was to busy so no one could watch over Gus, therefore today he was going to accompany his parents into the deep and dangerous woods that surrounded the camp. "Augustus, did you hide our boots again?" Asked Clarke to her son, who was currently sitting on the bed waiting for his mom to put on his shoes. "No mommy" he told her, Clarke opened her mouth to say something but soon shut it as she heard Bellamy's voice say "found them, they were in the coat closet!" He yelled from downstairs. Clarke gathered Gus in her arms and headed downstairs to meet Bellamy by the coat closet. As Clarke stepped in front of the closet Bellamy stood up from the floor where he was gathering their shoes, as soon as he stood up she placed a sweet peck on his lips, while still balancing Gus on her hip. As they broke apart Bellamy handed Clarke, Gus' shoes "here I'll carry yours" Bellamy said as they made their way to the living room. Clarke placed Augustus on their makeshift couch and started putting on his shoes "you excited honey?" She asked her four-year-old in a sweet tone. Augustus just smiled and nodded, "remember to stay close to us and always be holding one of our hands, alright Gus?" Bellamy instructed his son. "Yes, daddy I understand" Gus responded. Augustus was a very smart kid and he knew better than to disobey his parents, especially when they were giving instructions about outside the gates of Camp Jaha. There are many dangerous things out in the woods, especially wild animals that were now mutated thanks to the radioactivity. So he made sure not to miss a single instruction his parents stated.

They were now in front of the gate and Gus was holding tighter to his parents' hands. Clarke and Bellamy instantly looked down at their son and smiled at his nervousness lifting up their gaze to smile at each other. The gates were now fully opened and they began exiting the camp. They walked along a path they had created to a specific point within the forest. "Alright I'm going to check the traps, you two go and find the herbs" Bellamy stated "Alright, please be careful" Clarke responded. Bellamy stepped forward and leaned down to place a kiss on his wife's lips "you too princess" he said placing another kiss on her forehead, "listen to your mom ok Gus? And be careful" he said kissing his son's forehead "ok daddy" Gus responded. Before going off to check the traps Bellamy gave another hug to his family and another round of kisses. Bellamy set off to check the traps while Clarke was holding Gus on her hip as she walked to gather the herbs she needed, she set Gus on the ground and told him what they were looking for. A few hours had passed and Clarke and Gus had gathered enough herbs. Clarke was packing everything up when she suddenly heard her son's small voice ask "mommy what's that?" Gus pointed towards the yellow fog they all new as acid fog, "no, that's impossible!" Clarke said. A long time ago they went through the hole Mt.weather catastrophe, but they had sure as hell made sure the acid fog was destroyed, well at least the machine that made it was. "Come on Gus we have to go!" Clarke screamed grabbing her son and their bags and started running. "Mommy what's going on!?" Gus asked while bouncing on his mother's hip, "don't worry baby everything is going to be fine!" She answered trying to convince herself a bit more than her son, she began to run faster. "We have to find daddy" she told him as she ran. They both started yelling after Bellamy while trying to find a safe place to hide away from the fog, "Bellamy!" Clarke yelled, "Daddy!" Augustus yelled a few more yells and they were met with the response of another yell "Clarke?! Gus?!" He stepped out into their view and Clarke ran faster towards him. "What's going on?!" He asked alarm in his voice "the fog, there's acid fog!" Clarke stated caching her breath, "what?!" As soon as he said that the fog neared its ugly head around the corner of the trees. "Run!" Bellamy yelled. They kept running northeast and soon found a bunker to hide in. "Clarke here! There's a bunker!" Bellamy yelled as he opened it, Clarke ran faster until she reached the bunker and went inside with a crying Gus in her arms. Bellamy stepped inside and locked the door just in time. "Alright we're safe" Bellamy said now catching his breath. All that was audible were Augustus' sobs threw the entire bunker "sh, sh! It's ok baby, we're safe now" Clarke calmed her child while bouncing him a bit and stroking his dark brown curls, his crying began to quiet down but you could still hear his sniffles. Bellamy turned from facing the door to face the mother of his child and his son scared to death, Clarke's face only said how did this happen?, while Bellamy's face responded with I don't know. Bellamy stepped closer to his family hugging them tightly. They sat down on the floor waiting for the fog to clear, but Gus was still sobbing now both of his parents stroked his hair and Bellamy placed a kiss on the side of his head, Gus then let go from his mother's embrace to hug his father. Bellamy had his scared son on his left shoulder and wrapped his right arm around Clarke's shoulders. They sat there for hours, at some point Gus fell asleep between them. "This shouldn't have happened" Bellamy said towards Clarke "the question is how did this happen? The acid fog machine was destroyed with the rest of Mt.Weather" Clarke responded "I don't know, but we're going to find out later, for now, let's just wait this out and get home safe" he retorted "alright" were her last words before falling silent again. Bellamy placed a kiss on her lips "I love you, princess, I don't know what I'd do without you" he said giving her another kiss "I love you too Bell, I don't think we could survive without you" she said tears running down her face, he hugged her close and waited in silence until the fog stopped.They made it back to camp safely and soon started on a new mission to figure out where the acid fog came from. Next time Augustus goes out those gates his parents were going to make sure that there was nothing to fear ever again.

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