Baby to go

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Today was an ordinary day, Clarke had to go back to work, Bellamy was sorting some paperwork at the police department and little Jake was just sitting on the floor playing with some blocks while watching his mom get ready for work. "You can't babysit?... No, I can't leave him in daycare because they're closed for the week!... Octavia, Bellamy is working & Raven is a horrible babysitter & don't even get me started on the dynamic duo that is Jasper and Monty, last time they babysat Jake they were fully drunk when I got back and Jake was crying his eyes out! Miller works with Bell, I don't trust Murphy with anything living, let alone my child, Harper has her own kids to chase, all I got is you and Lincoln and you pick today of all days to leave for the week to a hot spring!..." Clarke sighed, this wasn't leaving her with many options "no forget it I'll just take him with me, and I'm sorry I freaked out on you, I hope you guys have fun out there" Clarke stated defeated. "Alright... Love you too, bye" she sighed again, her workplace was no place for a two-year-old baby boy to be wandering around, but what could she do now. Clarke approached Jake and picked him up from the ground "do you want to go work with mommy?" She asked her child smiling and poking his little nose, he only giggled as a response "I'll take that as a yes" she said smiling and giving him a big sloppy kiss making Jake squeal in delight. She got herself and Jake ready to go "alright here we go, now you stay with mommy ok?" She told him as they walked down the stairs of the apartment building and into the car that was parked out front. They safely drove towards Clarke's office at the hospital, she didn't have much to do there, she only had to pick up a few things, but her day was filled with a huge to-do list. First it was getting some packages from her office, then it was going to the lab to get her monthly blood test and wait for the results, then it was going to her art gallery to finish setting it up, then there was bringing the earlier packages for analysis and last but not least join her husband for lunch before heading home. Now she had to do all that while looking after her child, not that she minds really Jake is a good kid, his calm and quiet, but she doesn't want to drag him through a boring day.

The office:"Hey Clarke" some of her co-workers greeted her "hi" she was walking down the hallway into the elevator with a smiling Jake on her hip, "hi Clarke, oh who's this little cutie?" Asked one of the nurses from the main floor "this is my son Jake" Clarke responded with a smile making Jake giggle "he's so cute!" The nurse stated making Jake smile wider with his beautiful Blake grin and giggle harder "he takes after his dad" Clarke chuckled. "Well I'll see you later," said the nurse before walking away. Clarke got to her office and sat Jake on her chair "alright sweetie now you stay right here, mommy will be done soon" she said placing a kiss on his head. She searched for the packages while Jake looked at her going from one end of to the room to the other. "Ok I got everything, let's go baby" she called to her son picking him up from the chair and placing him on the floor so he could walk beside his mom. They were going to cross the street to the car "alright Jake, hold mommy's hand" Clarke told her child over the noises of the city. Jake obeyed and held Clarke's hand as they made their way across the street to the car. Clarke put everything inside and then proceeded to put Jake in his car seat. She drove off to her next destination, happy that there was no trouble so far.

The lab:Clarke parked outside the laboratory and walked inside holding Jake's hand as he walked beside her. She soon reached the front desk and stated "Clarke Griffin I have an appointment" let's just say she didn't care how many times Bellamy insisted she was Clarke Blake, she didn't care, she always used her maiden name. At this point standing in front of the desk, she picked up Jake from the floor where he was standing and placed him on her hip. "Yes, Miss. Griffin right this way" the woman pointed to the door where a nurse stood waiting for her, to guide her through the hallways. "Who's this little cutie?" The woman said as she saw Jake, "this is Jake" Clarke stated with a smile and Jake was giggling again with that Blake smile, Clarke never gets tired of that smile. "Hi Jake, he's adorable" the woman stated as she guided them through the hallways into the blood test room. "Could you please hold him while they perform the test?" Clarke asked the nurse "I'd be honored" she smiled, making Clarke smile and Jake giggle. Clarke gave Jake to the nurse while another nurse performed the blood test. As soon as it was done they told her to wait a few minutes in the waiting room for the results, the nurse handed Jake back to Clarke as she walked to the waiting room. She sat down placing Jake on her lap, he started to whine a bit and Clarke just gave him a bottle. Soon the wait was over and they were headed back to the car to continue on with their day.

The gallery:By the time she reached the gallery Jake was fast asleep, it was his nap time after all. She carefully took him into her arms not waking him. As she stepped inside the building she placed Jake on one of the couches that were by the entrance. "Hey, Clarke" the girl that was helping her set up this entire gallery greeted her, "Hey! How's everything going?" Clarke asked placing her bag down next to Jake. "All good just a few more paintings to hang and we can start cleaning to get ready for the big night" she answered with glee, "glad to hear it, well I'm going to get some pictures I left here a few days ago, do you think you can watch my son while I go to the back?" Clarke asked the girl "yeah no problem, what's his name?" She asked "Jake" Clarke stated as she went to the back to get the pictures. When she got back Jake was still asleep and the girl was sitting beside him. "Alright I got everything, just one more stop to go, thank you for watching him" Clarke told the girl as she began to pick Jake up "no problem the cutie was in to deep of a sleep to wake up, I'll see you in a week for the rest of the set up" she answered with a grin "alright, bye" Clarke left chuckling, her little prince was a heck of a charmer.

The packages:"Alright last stop and then it's lunch with daddy" Clarke told Jake, he woke up a few minutes ago so he was still groggy. Clarke grabbed her son and the packages and walked into the building. She didn't really wait long for the results to come out, she only gave in the packages, waited thirty minutes, then there it was the analysis. She was finally done for today, and to think all this while looking after her little prince charming, she still can't believe she was able to do it so well. "I guess mommy is going to have to take you on more adventures more often" Clarke said tickling Jake's neck making him giggle. "Let's go see daddy" she said driving towards the station to meet up with Bellamy.

The station:Clarke walked into the station towards her husband's office. Soon she was standing right in front of it and knocked on the door while she placed Jake higher on her hip. "Come in!" Came Bellamy's deep voice, Clarke opened the door and as soon as Bellamy caught sight of his family he let out that beautiful Blake grin. "Hey! What are you doing here?" Bellamy asked his now laughing son as he grabbed him from Clarke's embrace, he lifted him up to the air and then blew a raspberry on his neck, making Jake squeal, Clarke only laughed at them. Bellamy instantly directed his attention to his wife "hey" he said giving her a sweet kiss on the lips, "hey" she responded after they broke apart giving him a quick peck, Jake kept giggling at his parents causing them to smile at him. "So where do we go for lunch?" Clarke asked "well since we have a plus one here" he said poking Jake's belly "how about we go to Sizzler?" Jake was giggling uncontrollably from his dad's tickles "ok, let's go" Clarke said soon they were heading out for lunch.

At Sizzler:Clarke had all the test results in her purse and the pictures, something she really had to look into as soon as possible. They were sat on a window table and they already had their plates of food sitting in front of them "how was your day with Jake?" Bellamy asked taking a bite of his food "it was surprisingly easy" Clarke said smiling at Jake, who was making a mess of himself. "Bell... I need you to look at these" Clarke said handing Bellamy the analysis from all the test she conducted today, "what are these?" Bellamy asked clearly confused as to what was on the paper, "they're health tests that I did today" Clarke said to Bellamy who now had a worried expression on his face "health tests? Why are you getting health tests? Is there something wrong?" Bellamy was in a panic by now, Clarke only chuckled and smiled "no Bell there's nothing wrong" she said now handing him the picture. At first, he didn't know what it was but then "wait a second isn't this an ultrasound picture? Why would you have a...? Clarke?!" Bellamy had his eyes wide open at his realization. "I'm pregnant, we're having another baby" Clarke said with a big smile, this caused Bellamy to stand up from his chair and walked towards his wife to place the most passionate kiss he could on her lips as he lifted her from her chair and spun her in the air. "I'm going to be a dad again! Oh god, this is great!" He said kissing her again she couldn't help but laugh against his lips "I love you princess" He said placing a kiss on her forehead. "I love you too Bell" they hugged for a while and then sat back down to finish their meal. "Look who's going to turn into a big brother" Bellamy said towards Jake "da-da" Jake said. Both Clarke and Bellamy had their eyes wide open "he just said his first word!" Clarke exclaimed giving Jake a huge kiss on his cheek causing him to giggle "dada" he repeated loving the attention he was getting "well technically buddy dada is already a big brother, you're the one that's turning into one" Bellamy stated, now remembering that was the answer to his statement earlier. 

Needless to say, everything went well, they returned to their apartment and cuddled the night away as one big family.

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