Blake's get what they want

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A slam came from the front door making Clarke jump from her desk chair, "come on bud!" Bellamy's voice came afterward most likely directed to Dustin, "you'll get her next time" he yelled at his son again, but all he got as a response was a loud groan of frustration from the nine-year-old. "Hey what's going on?" Clarke asked approaching Bellamy with a worried expression, "looks like Dustin has his first crush" he sighed, then chuckled while wrapping his arms around his distracted wife, who was currently looking up the stairs with worry for her child. "Don't worry he'll be fine" Bellamy said kissing the side of Clarke's neck, "why is he so frustrated about this?" She asked ignoring her husbands actions, Bellamy sighed before responding "maybe because valentines day is in two days and he recently found out that the 'jock' likes the same girl, so now he has 'fierce' competition, I swear sometimes he forgets he's a Blake" Bellamy said into Clarke's shoulder. Clarke stepped away from Bellamy's embrace, "I'm going to talk to him" she said heading upstairs where the frustrated child was. Clarke softly knocked on the door "Dustin sweetie, let me in" she said to the closed door before hearing the small click of an opening lock. As Clarke stepped in Dustin was back on his bed face down against his pillow, Clarke made her way to her son raking her hand through his soft dark curls, "honey tell me what's wrong, why are you mad?" She asked delicately at him as he slowly lifted his head to stare at his mom. Dustin sighed before beginning to explain himself, "well there's a girl..." He paused and took a deep breath as Clarke's hand rubbed soothing circles on her son's back, "she's... she's pretty" another breath, "but there's a boy and..." A loud exhale escaped his lips as he builds up the courage to finish the story for his mother, another breath, "and he's the boy every girl wants and..." He sighed defeated "and then there's me" he said looking down at his hands, ready to cry. Clarke's expression amused at her son's revelation, she wrapped her arms around Dustin bringing him for a tight hug and kissing the crown of his head, "then there's you huh?" She asked with a smile, he nodded against her chest still looking down at his hands, "baby, you're great, you are an amazing person, you're sweet and loving..." She suddenly got cut off "and I'm also invisible" he said laying back on his bed with a sigh. "Honey you're not invisible" she sighed and laid beside him rubbing his hair, "so this girl? What's her name?" She asked, however, Dustin's response was muffled by his pillow, "what was that?" She asked lifting her head to rest on her left arm while still raking her right hand threw Dustin's hair. Dustin lifted his head from his pillow to look at his mother, he sighed "her name's Hope" he blushed at the mention of her name, making Clarke smile. "You know you remind me a lot of your dad when he first tried to ask me out on a date" she chuckled, Dustin looked at his mother with a confused expression "but dad already told me that story, he seemed pretty brave to me" he said innocently, though Clarke couldn't help but burst into laughter, "are you kidding! Your dad was a total disaster!" She said laughing harder. "What do you mean?" Dustin asked curiously, "well for starters he was covered in fuel grease and grime from the auto shop he used to work in before he got accepted in the police academy, and he was physically disabled and it turned out that he was wrecking his brain on how to ask me out and I quote 'I can't take it anymore! You're driving me crazy! I've been wracking my brain senseless forever! Will you go out with me?!' It was quite the scene he pulled off at a coffee shop" Clarke giggled at the memory. "My point is if your dad was able to pull that off and still get a date with me, I'm sure you can do better, you are his son, but the best part is you're also my son, which makes you a lot smarter than your dad" she said giggling, causing Dustin to giggle with her, "are you calling me stupid?" Came Bellamy's voice from the door frame, They both looked up to see a smiling Bellamy who was making his way towards them. "Maybe, but let's face it, I was the stupid one for saying yes to you" Clarke laughed as she stood up, "as long as you're stupider than me I'm fine" he smirked hugging her, Clarke slapped his shoulder however she couldn't hide the smile on her face, and Bellamy couldn't help but smile back. "So what should I do then?" Dustin interrupted his parents' actions. Clarke and Bellamy looked at each other in thought, suddenly Bellamy stepped towards his son and sat next to him on the bed, "whatever you do, go big or go home, and if she says no, she's not worth it, just remember you're a Blake and Blake's get what they want" he smirked at his son making him smile. Bellamy patted Dustin's back, but before standing up "just to prove you wrong, whatever you ask me to do for you next I won't do it" Clarke crossed her arms over her chest with a smirk. Bellamy stood up to whisper in her ear "really princess? What if what I asked you to do for me next is something you can't resist" Clarke pushed him off her and Bellamy landed on the bed laughing, "anyway" Clarke rolled her eyes "what are you going to do Dustin?" Clarke asked directing her full attention back at her son, "I think I know what to do, but I'm going to need a tux" he said with a Blake smirk.During the next day before valentines, Dustin had his suit, and made a banner for Hope, which read 'happy valentines day! Lots of love -D. Blake', he also had a box of chocolates and a giant teddy bear. Dustin practiced carefully how it would all go down, still, when the day finally came he couldn't help but be nervous. Right now Clarke was fixing Dustin's shirt, noticing his nerves she put her hands on his shoulders looking him straight in the eye "you'll do great sweetheart, just remember what your dad told you 'you're a Blake and Blake's get what they want'" she smiled at him and hugged him reassuringly, "thanks mom" he said before pulling away. "Ready to go champ?" Bellamy said standing by the front door, "ready!" Said Dustin jumping the last step, "Alright then let's get going" Bellamy assured Dustin to head to the car, "wait" he said as Clarke came down the stairs to close the door behind them, Dustin made his way back to his mom to hug her tight "thanks for everything mom" he whispered into her neck "no problem sweetie, now go! Hope is waiting" Clarke said kissing his head and winking at him before he ran out to the car. Clarke stood up from her kneeling position to give Bellamy a kiss goodbye for the day. She pressed her lips to his in a sweet short kiss, they only pulled an inch away before "hurry up dad!" Yelled Dustin "one-sec bud!" Bellamy yelled back, right hand on Clarke's hip, he turned back to whisper in Clarke's ear "the next thing I want you to do for me is get ready for tonight" he said with a grab of her but making Clarke squeak and jump a bit, he smirked and kissed her lips one last time before heading out. Clarke rolled her eyes but couldn't help the smile that crept up her face. Lucky for Dustin, Hope did have quite the crush on him, when he presented his gift to her, suit, teddy bear, chocolates and banner, she couldn't help but run towards him and hug him tight with a big kiss on the cheek. When Bellamy came to pick him up, the boy was endless about how she picked him over Brock, it was quite cute. Tonight had finally come and Dustin was staying all night at Abby's house, which meant "babe I'm home!" Came Bellamy's voice from the front door, Clarke stepped out facing him with a big grin on her face and her silky robe on. Bellamy stepped closer to her placing a sweet kiss on her lips, and his hands rubbed up and down her arms. Once he pulled away he whispered "what was that about not doing what I tell you to do next" he smirked, "can it Blake! Or else I won't do what you asked of me no matter how bad I want to" she said as they both smirked at each other, they kept kissing until "wait! What happened with Dustin?" She asked impatiently, "he got the girl" Bellamy smiled, "well he is a Blake" Clarke giggled before going back to their make-out session. Like Bellamy said 'Blake's get what they want', and both Dustin and Bellamy did.

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