The light of my life

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It's winter and today was Bellamy's annual military dinner, where all soldiers from all the categories, air force, marine, and army, have a big fancy dinner, where they give out this years medals. Clarke was almost done when "babe have you seen my shirt?" Came Bellamy's voice from the bathroom "I ironed it hon it's on the bed" she responded while putting on her last heel. Bellamy came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist swinging them a bit from side to side, prepping small kisses on her shoulder and the back of her neck, "what would I do without you princess?" He says kissing her shoulder again, "I don't know" she says smiling back at him over her shoulder, making him smile, they leaned in and kissed, a small kiss really but still sweet. "Mommy I can't find my shoes" came Koda's sweet, small, shy voice, both Clarke and Bellamy turned their attention to their daughter, "well look at you, you look just like a princess" Bellamy said picking up Koda from the ground, she giggled "like mommy?" She asked sweetly, "just like mommy" he smiled kissing the crown of her head. The words made Clarke smile at her little family with love and affection, she went to find the shoes in Koda's room, they where under her bed, as she walked back she heard Koda say "daddy what do you like about mommy?" That made her stop dead in her tracks just outside her bedroom door. "Well mommy is really special to me, I don't know where I'd be without her" he said smiling, Clarke could see him putting on his shirt through the mirror, "but what do you like about her?" She asks again with pure curiosity burning in her eyes, "I like everything about mommy, her diamond blue eyes, her starry smile, her golden curls, her big heart, the way she cares and listens, and stands up for herself and the people she loves, her melodic laugh, her cute giggle, her silly snort, just everything. I'm a fool in love Kodi bear, you and your mom are the world to me, and I would do anything for anyone of you. Your mom she's my life, my existence, my oxygen, without her I would die, and if I have to die to prove my love to her I would, because for mommy there's nothing I wouldn't do" he said with a big grin on his face. Clarke was now fully in tears at her husbands' words, she knew he loved her, and she loved him, but she never knew how much until now. She walked into the bathroom behind her to clean off her face from the mess of makeup she had, as soon as she was presentable she walked back to their room with Koda's sandals. "Here you go baby" she said handing them to her, watching her put them on, Clarke touched up her makeup and soon both girls were ready. "Everyone ready?" Bellamy asks putting on his blazer and looking up from the buttons to see his two favorite girls, "we're ready to go" Clarke said, Bellamy, on the other hand, stood there frozen, mouth agape seeing the stunning beauty that are his wife and daughter. "You look like princesses, right out of a fairy tale" he said still gazing, making both girls giggle. Clarke walked up to him kissing his lips softly, they pulled away and he placed his arm around her waist as Clarke took hold of Koda's hand. Soon they were off to the diner.When they reached the ballroom where the dinner was being held, they walked in, Bellamy's hand on Clarke's lower back and Koda still holding onto Clarke's hand. "You two wait here a sec I have to register" Bellamy said pecking Clarke's lips and Koda's head before heading off. The girls stood there hand in hand, receiving many compliments from passing guests. "Well look who we have here" came a deep voice from behind them, Clarke turned around protectively guiding Koda behind her, until she saw who it was "General Kane?" She asked surprised, "the one and only" he smiled shaking her hand "how are you doing Clarke" he said still smiling, "I'm doing well" she responded suddenly feeling Koda gripping tighter onto her dress and peeking out her head a bit from behind her mother, "who's this?" Kane said referring to Koda, "this is Koda my daughter" she said as Kane crouched down to Koda's level, "well hey there Koda I'm Kane" he said extending his hand. Koda looked at his hand, her head peeking out a little more from behind Clarke, she looked up at Clarke as if to ask permission to shake Kane's hand. Clarke smiled down at her nodding, pushing her out a bit from behind her head, Koda reluctantly shook Kane's hand and was soon behind her mother again. They talked a bit before Kane headed inside, as soon as he was gone Bellamy came back. "Hey, hope I didn't keep you waiting too long" he said giving both girls a small peck on their cheek, "no, did you know Kane is here?" Clarke asked still surprised, "yeah he's general of section five from Missouri" Bellamy responded, placing his arm around Clarke's waist once more guiding them to their table. They sat by the stage and soon the ceremony started, "good evening everyone and welcome to our annual military dinner. Today we celebrate the service of all our fighting soldiers and fallen soldiers, please enjoy your dinner, the medal ceremony will begin soon after" said the announcer walking off the stage. "You didn't say anything about a medal ceremony" Clarke whispered into Bellamy's ear, "soon you'll see, for now, let's eat" he said kissing her cheek. "Sweetie use a napkin you don't want to get the dress dirty" Clarke said towards Koda who was currently debating where to wipe her hands, "yes mommy" she said grabbing the napkin and whipping her hands, Clarke placed a kiss on her head and sat back up at the sudden voice in her ear "did I tell you, you look stunning tonight" Bellamy whispered in her ear making her smile, "yes you have" she responded facing him, "well just in case you're stunning" he said pecking her lips, they pulled apart at the sound of the voice through the speakers once more. "I hope you all enjoyed your dinner, now we begin the medal ceremony". It went on for a while giving meany soldiers medals for different success's during their career as military men. "And last but most certainly not least, for his honor and bravery out in the battlefield and also for making it back with his complete troop, I present this medal to new commanding officer, Bellamy Blake" the spotlight reached him as he gave Clarke a sweet kiss before standing and going to claim his medal, "that's daddy!" Koda said in excitement, "yes sweetheart that's daddy" She said with proud tears slipping down my face. "I would like to invite his family up to the stage for the formal picture" the announcer said. Clarke stood up grabbing Koda's hand walking towards the stage. As they got there she gave Bellamy a kiss on the lips, they soon pulled apart for the picture, he picked up Koda and they all smiled for the camera. As the night came to an end they headed back home with a passed out Koda. "You never told me about that" Clarke said still smiling, "I wanted to surprise you" he smiled, pulling up at the driveway "my brave soldier" she said kissing him again. They both walked in the house, Bellamy had Koda in his arms so he took her to her room and tucked her in. Clarke stood in front of their bed taking off her high heels, soon she felt two hands on her shoulders and kisses on her neck, "let's get rid of this dress" Bellamy said slipping the straps off her shoulders and letting the dress pool down on Clarke's feet, Clarke turned around placing her arms around his neck, while his arms slid to her waist. "You know I heard what you told Koda" she said with a hum, "you did?" He raised an eyebrow with a smirk on his lips, "mhm, how I'm your oxygen, your reason for living" she said pecking his lips, "yes you are" he said leading them back towards the bed, but before they fell back on the bed, Clarke traced her finger on his chest "I just want you to know, your the light of my life too" she said making them both smile and soon he was attacking her lips falling backward on the fluffy bed.

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