All is forgiven

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Requested by @MeganDare hope you like it

It all came crashing down with that one note, 'I'm sorry Bell but it's for your own good, I can't drag you down with me like this, just know I will always love you. -Clarke' they had been engaged for a good month when this happened, Bellamy didn't understand it and Clarke didn't want to leave but in her head this was the best solution, she had recently found out she was pregnant and seeing as Bellamy was a promising man with a bright future and they still hadn't gotten married yet she didn't want to disappoint him or tie him down to a family so soon, so like every other 'great' idea that seemed to pass her by she ran... Clarke knew he would try to find her so she had to go all the way into changing her image, she dyed her hair black and cut it to a shorter length only moving to the neighboring town, and even with all her effort she still couldn't stay too far away because the person she left behind wasn't just anyone, it was her other half. She was currently working her shift as a waitress in a small coffee shop across from the police station where Bellamy works, you'd think she'd get caught soon but thirteen years passed this way, her still looking out for him and right under his nose, it still brought her back the memories of when this all started, big swollen belly in a corner both where she ate almost the entire menu balling her eyes out, she eventually made friends with one of the waitresses considering she stopped by every day, she even helped her get back on her feet "you're seriously not gonna go back to him? He's probably miserable without you!" Raven scolded her one night as she closed up the shop, "he probably hates me now seeing it's been this long" Clarke sighed, "true, but one day that little girl might hate you if she never meets her dad, you owe them that" Raven pointed to the sleeping five year old girl in that same corner both, everything about her reminded her of him she was pure Blake, "I know" she whispered, years passed that way, Raven trying to build up Clarke's courage and Clarke chickening out, up to this day, Clarke let out a breath before seeing her little girl walk through the doors, "hey mom, hi aunt Raven" she smiled sitting down on the counter, "hey hon, how was school?" She asked trying to clear her mind from all the guilt, "nothing special, just some homework" she said bringing out her notebooks and starting on her work making Clarke smile. The day passed by so quickly when they finally got home Clarke couldn't sleep all she ever thought of were his strong arms holding her in the darkness and putting her at ease, and that night she finally broke... "Mom? What are you doing?" Shannon asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, "we're gonna go see someone today so get ready" she said finishing up their breakfast, "alright" the young girl said walking back to her room. Soon as they were done they were on their way back to him, 'he's gonna hate me' her mind swirled, but she already knew that, threw out all that Bellamy still lived in the same place so when his doorbell inexplicably rung he opened the door with wide eyes. Clarke was frozen in place not thinking ahead of her next move, "mom?" Shannon asked breaking the two lovers from their trance and Bellamy's eyes were at the brink of exploding "can we talk?" Clarke asked before he reluctantly let both girls in, "what are you doing here?" He asked with venom in his words, he might miss her like crazy but that doesn't mean it hurt any less especially since he's been looking for her for the past thirteen years, "Bell I know you're mad at me and you have every right to because I screwed up, I shouldn't have left you, I should have just talked to you and considered your opinion but I was young and stupid, and I just... I... I owed you that much, I owed you an apology, a real reason, but most of all I owed you and her the chance to meet each other, I was selfish and I'm incredibly sorry" she finished making him sigh, "you know I looked everywhere for you?" His deep voice sounded, the one she missed so much during the passing years, she slowly nodded her head to answer him, "I didn't know whether to miss you or hate you for leaving like that! But I never stopped looking for you, even if I didn't know what the hell I would do when I found you, to this day I was still looking for you" he slowly smiled, gaining bigger tears from her moist eyes, "don't know if I can forgive you so suddenly though" he added with a small eyebrow raise, "even if you did I wouldn't let you, I don't deserve it, you deserve better than me, you always did" she smiled at him soon bringing her face to stare at her hands, he kneeled down in front of her picking her face up to connect their eyes he smiled and her eyes kept watering, his lips were on hers and she was lost, she missed this feeling more than anything, his lips on hers, her hands in his hair, his hands on her waist, she missed this blissful state, "I'm willing to forgive you, if you come back and marry me like we were supposed to" he smiled and so did she as the tears in her eyes fell... Everything after that was perfect, Shannon and Bellamy got along like bees and honey, she loved having her dad back, and more than anything Bellamy loved having his little girl with him, in the end, they finally got married and all was forgiven.

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