Coming Soon...

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She has a way of playing with my brain that I love and she doesn't even know. She doesn't even know the power of her beauty, and she's beautiful, her blue eyes that sparkle in the light, her long golden locks that could light up the whole world, her bright smile that can bring anyone to their knees and her laugh, god her laugh, it's a mixture between a sweet giggle and a medium volume laugh and it sounds like angels singing and it's just perfect, she's perfect. She was putting on her white and yellow sundress and I just admired her beauty. She's more than I could have ever asked for and I still can't believe she's mine. Her golden locks cascaded down her small back, I stepped behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her shoulder. She giggled and there it was, angels and the perfect harmony of their voices. "You know I really like it when you do that" she said smiling into the full body mirror and I only buried my face deep in her shoulder placing small lingering kisses "do what?" I smiled against her skin, she turned around in my arms and placed her hands on my naked chest. "Kiss my shoulder or just kiss me in general" she explained still smiling that bright smile. I smiled back, it's hard not to "it's a good thing then" I said kissing her full on the lips. Her lips were plumped and silky, a small taste of watermelon left on them. Her taste was addicting, intoxicating even and I loved just being lost in it. Our lips parted but our foreheads were still touching, her arms snaked under mine to grab my shoulders and then slowly slid down my back to my waist in a silky motion, it was almost unreal how delicate she was. I lifted my head and brought my lips to her forehead leaving a small sweet kiss and hugging her closer to me. Her face was buried deep in my chest and I felt her smile against my skin as I dropped my head to rest on top of hers. I inhaled her lemony scent that had a hint of daisies, an intoxicating concoction that could drive any man mad. "I love you" she whispered against my chest and placed a small kiss. "I love you too princess" I said hugging her tighter, "Bell I have to finish getting ready, my mom is going to kill me if I get there late again" she said lifting her head and turning back to the mirror. I walked up behind her once more and placed my hands on her shoulders as she examined her dress "what's a few minutes with your husband gonna do? You're probably late already" I smirked sliding my hands down her arms and kissing her shoulder again. She rolled her eyes but smiled at me through the mirror, my kisses began going from her shoulder to her neck. She let out a quiet moan before turning her head sideways a bit, I kissed her shoulder again and my next kiss went straight for her lips. I turned her around and held her flush against me, kissing her passionately. One of her hands was in my hair and the other held my shoulder. I slowly backed her up to the wall not breaking the kiss "Bell..." She mumbled against my lips out of breath "Bell I need to go..." I pushed my lips harder against hers, my hands slowly lifting her thighs up in the air. She squeaked at the small loss of balance and tighten her grip on my shoulders "do you really want to go?" I asked against her lips, slowly coming down to bite on her lower lip she let out her response in a not so subtle moan "no" her response made me smirk against her lips. Soon I carried her to the bed and laid her down, I stepped back to admire her beauty once more. She's to perfect to be real, but she is, she is real and she's all mine. I lowered myself to keep kissing her slowly making work of her dress...We were about ten minutes late so it wasn't as bad as we thought.

3 weeks later...It's been three weeks and it turns out I'm pregnant. I found out this morning after the simple deduction that I have been too sick for too long to actually be sick of something. I took the opportunity and headed to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test and when I got home I wasted no time and darted straight for the bathroom to take the test. A few minutes waiting and there it was the positive pregnancy test. Now I have to tell Bellamy, so I decided since we're having lunch today I would tell him there. I took the time to make a small coming soon poster to make my way of telling him a bit more creative. Honestly, I still couldn't believe it I'm pregnant, I placed my hand on my still flat stomach, I'm pregnant with Bellamy Blake's child, I smiled to myself at the memories of that night. His large muscular arms around my small body, his large hands supporting the small of my back, the tender kisses from my shoulder to my lips, the feeling of his muscular back against my fingers. It was mesmerizing, it was passionate lovemaking, everything we felt was purred in the actions of that night and the result, I slowly looked down at my stomach and smiled, the result was just a small piece of heaven itself. It was lunch time and I was making my way through the hallways towards his office, being the commanding officer of your own PD has it's perks, "hey Clarke" greeted Miller, one of Bellamy's best friends and best cop around, "hey how are you?" I walked over to hug him and kiss his cheek "I'm good you know solving cases here and there, you?" I smiled "great actually I have a big surprise for Bell today, it will probably turn him into the most annoying boss for a while but I think you can handle him" he chuckled at that "well I'll catch you later and good luck with the surprise" he said walking off and waving goodbye, I yelled my thanks and kept on my earlier path. Soon I was at his office, I softly knocked on the door and heard his voice bloom from the inside "come in" I stepped in the office slowly walking over to him to give him a sweet kiss "hey" was all I said "hey" he responded and we both smiled. He sat on his chair and I placed my arms on his shoulders gently massaging them a bit before hugging him from behind his neck. "Ready for lunch?" I asked "yeah let's go" he said standing up and kissing me again in the process. We were now seated at a small dinner making small talk about our days as we waited for the food to arrive. "So how was your day?" He asked and I smiled brightly "it was great, actually something really amazing happened that I found out this morning" I said giving him the small card that on the outside said congratulations on big black letters and the background was plain white, he looked confused but opened it anyway and that's when his face lit up with happiness and realization the small festive coming soon baby poster was hard to miss understand. He looked at me with wide eyes "we're having a baby?" He asked a smile taking over his features, I nodded smiling back at his boyish grin "I'm gonna be a dad!" He yelled in excitement as he stood up and picked me up to spin me around. Once my feet where back on the ground he placed a sweet loving kiss on my lips and I brought my hands to his face, we pulled apart and our foreheads where still touching "I'm so glad your happy about this" I told him as I stepped closer to hug him tight "princess I've never been happier" he said placing a kiss on the top of my head.It's true neither of them had been happier except for the day their little bundle of joy was born.

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