Spring Break

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Requested by: the100bellarke0 I hope you like it

The Blake household was a giant mess, the bags were open on the living room and the clothes were all over the place. "Bell did you see my black boots?!" She yelled from the top of the stairs, "I think you already packed them up!" He responded the happy couple was packing up for their first trip as a family now thanks to little Zen who was actually laying in his crib with his pacifier in mouth. "Found them!" Clarke said running down the stairs, "here pack these up" she said handing them to Bellamy, "I still can't believe we forgot to pack last weekend so we would have everything ready for tonight" he grunted while squeezing the boots in the luggage, "at least we still have a few more hours to pack before we have to get to the airport" she sighed. They were constantly running around the house trying to pack everything they needed and trying to clean it up before they left, "I'm gonna go pump out some breast milk before the trip for Zen, you think you can handle the rest?" She asked as she zipped up a suitcase, "yeah there's only a few things left and we still have five hours to get to the airport" he assured, "ok I'll be upstairs if you need me" she said heading into their room. Bellamy continued to pack up their belongings and was finally done with unfortunately two hours to spare, "CLARKE! WE GOTTA GO NOW OR WE'LL MISS THE FLIGHT!" He yelled up the stairs as he began to place the luggage in the car, Clarke ran downstairs with the baby's bag and jumped into the car, "you got everything?" He asked as he started the car, "yeah all set" she said closing her door, with that, they pulled out of the driveway and began their trip. A good fifteen minutes into the drive Clarke turned back to check on Zen, "BELLAMY! WE FORGOT ZEN!" She screamed, "WHAT?!" He screamed turning to see an empty seat, "SHIT!" With that he made a drastic U-turn and drove back to the house, he almost even passed the house out of how fast he was going, "BELL STOP! YOU'RE GONNA PROVOKE AN ACCIDENT!" She yelled getting out of the car and running inside to get her child. As she walked in she saw Zen sound asleep on his car seat that was placed on the floor by the coffee table in the living room, "oh baby I'm so sorry we forgot you, we were in such a rush" she rambled kissing her babies' head. After placing him securely on the back seat she locked the house once more and proceeded back to the highway in less than ten minutes. Once they got to the airport and finished going through security and baggage drop off they were relieved to hear their flight was delayed for a few hours which was enough time for them to finally catch their breath. "You're meaning to tell me that if it wasn't for mom turning around they would have forgotten me in the house completely?!" I yelled at my aunt as she nodded while laughing, "mom! dad! What the heck?!" I yelled, "we were in a rush and it was one of those nights when you didn't let us sleep and it happened" Mom rambled on, "for what is worth bud we're sorry we forgot about you and at least we noticed before it was too late" Dad said placing an arm around mom, "I guess you're right, at the end of the day I'm still here" I chuckled making everyone laugh with me. To think this spring break was crazy but not as crazy as the ones I couldn't remember anymore.

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