First day of school

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"But I don't wanna go! I want to stay with you and mommy" Jo whined at her dad, "it's your first day of kinder garden you'll love it" he smiled, "no I won't, I wanna stay with you and mommy!" She kept winning. "Clarke a little help" he turned to see his wife smiling and shaking her head at the scene as she approached, "sweetie you'll love kinder garden, there's snack time, nap time, you'll learn new things, you can make new friends" Clarke smiled at Jo as she stood on her knees in front of her daughter with her hands on Jo's shoulders, "but mommy I want to stay with you and daddy" she whined a bit more quietly this time, "Jo honey, you'll be fine and if anything bad happens me and daddy will be right there in no time ok?" She looked into Jo's eyes and the little girl only nodded her head, "good now let's get going". Nobody said taking your kids to their first day of school was easy, for Clarke and Bellamy it was the usual 'I want to stay with you' routine, and Jo was a very shy girl. Bellamy and Clarke are actually eating themselves inside at the moment, they might not show it but they don't want to go through the separation. "We're here" Bellamy parked the car and started to get all the bags out, while Clarke unbuckled Jo from her car seat, "now remember sweetie if anything bad happens me and daddy will be right here to make it better ok?" Jo nodded and Clarke squeezed her into a bear hug and kissed her forehead, "remember princess mommy and I love you so much, we'll always be right here with you" Bellamy pointed at her heart and made Jo smile before she trapped him in a bear hug. After their goodbyes Jo was on her way to her first day with no worries, "we did good there princess" Bellamy wrapped an arm around Clarke's shoulder and she rested her head on his shoulder, "we did good" she whispered with a smile on her face.

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