A tiring job

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Requested by @NerdWriter16 , I hope you enjoy :)

One could say these two lovebirds have been attached to the hip since birth, the sole friendship between Bellamy and Clarke was just inseparable thats for sure. Since they were young she would force him to play house with her, not that he was complaining, he would only blush and nod going along with whatever she said. By the time they turned around twelve she started to realize how weak in the knees his simple smile made her, and the constant talk around them from their parents about liking each other didn't really help calm the blush in their cheeks, they would only pout but never correct otherwise and clearly it's because there was nothing to correct in the first place to be honest.

Now a days you'd find the blonde complaining endlessly about her current state, "UGH! I can't wait for this thing to come out already, I can't even take a single step without wanting to sit back down" with those words she sat back down with her swollen eight month old belly and aching feet, "I can't even sleep right anymore, the process of this! just sucks" she said pointing at her belly making her husband chuckle, "I'm sorry princess" he smiled and she only glared at him "I swear if you cause this one more time I might just have to end you" he only smiled innocently at her but not to far behind their little boy frowned not really understanding why his mom was so mad, even if she fully wasn't. She sighed before little Samuel came up to her with worried eyes, "mommy why are you mad at daddy? did he hurt you?" he asked innocently seeing as he could only process it this way after her previous words "of course not honey, your dad is responsible for my pain but not like that" he only looked more confused after that "she's just tired buddy" Bellamy assured his son as the young boy put his head to the side in question, "why?" he asked curiously "because mommy just wants to have the baby and it's a tiring job" he tried explaining "how?" he questioned again and now Bellamy really didn't know what to say "well it's painful?" he added "so then mommy is hurt?" he asked worriedly and now Bellamy just stood frozen not really sure what to answer anymore. "Samuel honey I'm fine, mommy is just tired from carrying the extra baby weight but soon it'll come out" she laughed "It's in there?! how did it get there?" genuinely a child curiosity means well but for such a little one to have this talk, it just wasn't the time "hey bud, think you can go get your toy cars for me?" Bellamy said crouched down to the height of his son "YEAH!" he soon ran off leaving his parents to talk alone "I'm not sure why, but that was so hot" she said laughing making her husband look at her questioningly, "what was exactly?" he raised a brow with a smirk "seeing you be an authority figure or just dealing with kids in general, I don't really know for sure, maybe it's just the hormones but you looked sexy doing it" she laughed making him smile at her craziness "you know I love you right?" he told her kissing her forehead and helping her back up to her feet and to their bed.

About a month later she finally gave birth to little Eloise, she was laying on the bed with half opened eyes, the small girl on her hospital crib next to her and Clarke was officially exhausted, she suddenly yawned and started to close her eyes for some well needed rest, Samuel turned to his father confused "didn't she already have the baby?" he asked gaining his fathers full attention "yeah, she's right there kiddo" he pointed to his newly born daughter, "then why is mommy so tired?" he asked making his father chuckle at him "thats because being a mommy is a really tiring job" he smiled ruffling his son's curls.

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