Destination Honeymoon

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Unlike his sister Bellamy & also Clarke opted for a smaller type wedding, they aren't the type to pull of extravagant parties, it was more of a just the two of us kind of vibe. This led to them sealing their vows under a cute gazebo surrounded by their loved ones, you could feel the love these two shared linger in the air after so many years of being sealed away and finally letting loose 'Thank you for coming with me to my sister's wedding and being my plus one, you saved me of an earful of lectures from O and in the process managed to tip me over the edge and let you know how I actually felt' she smiled at him as he continued 'you'd even let me have the bed all to myself if it meant my well-being and consciously I would never allow you to because you deserved it more, so today I promise you that I will never fight you on the matter again because from now on we'll just share it' people laughed at his remark as did she 'I love you Clarke, always have and I always will' he finished placing the ring on her finger. 'Well from now on I promise to accept whenever you act so gentlemanly' she smiled making everyone giggle 'there's not a single soul that can take your place in my heart, except maybe our future kids if we have any, but I promise I won't neglect you when the time comes and show you just as much attention' he smiled at her rubbing his thumb across the back of her hands 'I will always love you and devote myself to us and our life together, my heart will always belong to you' she finished slipping the ring on his finger and looked up to hear the priest say he could kiss the bride, he cupped her cheeks in his hands and glued their lips together like two missing puzzle pieces.

The after party lasted all night, the food was great, everyone dancing their hearts out but their favorite part was their first dance. They looked great together so happy to be in each others arms, she rested her head on his chest as he held her close never letting go 'you're amazing' he whispered to her as she raised her head to see his face 'I love you' she said with a smile, he pressed his forehead to hers making her eyes close with that bright smile still on her lips he said 'that's my line princess' he finished with a quick peck on the lips as their first dance came to a close and initiated the roaring party. Their friends and family really outdid themselves with celebrating, it was the party of the century for them really, bets were made on how long it would take for this wonderful couple to get together, some one and some lost and the couple itself had a great time, 'can't wait for the honeymoon results' you heard one of the guys say 'you really think they'd get pregnant that fast?' Another asked with a laugh, 'honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they already are and just hid it this entire time' another one laughed 'give them some credit guys, besides I'm betting on twins for that first round' one of the guys smirked 'you got a lot of faith in Bellamy' the girl next to him laughed but the bets only kept coming, some betted on whether it would be boy or girl, others on the amounts and others on the time it would take; honestly these two will never hear the end of it.

Now here they where, it took so long to finally get to this point but they finally made it, ready to embark on their special honeymoon, no fancy island, no glamorous hotel, no more bets or interruptions, just the two of them alone in a little cabin on the countryside with nothing but each other to entertain themselves. Truthfully their first night was loud, so they were quite grateful for the distance from civilization, the small cabin was on a beautiful clearing surrounded by an endless field of wildflowers all over, cool air blew into the cabin as well as the morning sunlight that kissed their skin much like they had done the night prior. Now it was early morning, the sunlight woke Bellamy, Clarke was snuggled in his arms and frankly he didn't want to get up, he'd rather stay and stare at her peaceful sleeping form, he smiled as she silently snored away in his arms. Eventually he left the bed with a lingering kiss to her forehead and waltzed into the kitchen, he made some blubbery pancakes for them while she slept. At some point she woke up staring out through the balcony while still in bed when she felt his hands on her upper arms and his lips on her shoulder after he had set down the plate of food on the nightstand. She breathed in and sighed in content leaning back to his touch as he kissed the top of her head 'sleep well?' He asked while she took his hands and wrapped his arms around her body leaning into him even more 'amazing' she smiled looking up at him brushing their noses together. 'Pancakes?' He asked with a smile to which he received one back from his beloved wife 'Yes please!' Truly a wonderful way to spend their morning, well the first of many.

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