I just know it

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"Why is she so small?" Sara asked looking at her new baby sister "that's because she's a newborn baby sweetheart" Clarke said to her oldest daughter softly patting her head as it poked into the small crib where the new baby Blake slept, "she's really cute" Sara smiled softly poking her little sister's cheek making her thrash around a bit stretching out her small hands to grab onto the small finger that poked her cheek "look mommy she grabbed my finger!" Sara exclaimed excitedly towards her tired mom who smiled and nodded as they turned their attention back to the small creature who was currently smiling with closed eyes and strongly gripping onto her older sister's finger "alright I got your pear juice" Bellamy whispered as he came into the room giving Clarke the juice she asked for earlier, "thanks babe" she smiled and kissed his lips and smiled as they pulled away, Bellamy sat Sara on his lap with her finger still in her little sister's strong grip, "look daddy she likes me" she smiled making him chuckle, "of course she does princess, you're her big sister" he smiled kissing her cheek making her giggle, the small girl in the crib gurgled a small laugh along with the rest of her family, "we're gonna be best friends, I promise" her older sister whispered to her and she gave a small smile before fully falling asleep, "I'm sure you will" her dad said attacking her with kisses making her giggle and Clarke laugh, all it took was one single touch and that was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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