Picking names

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They've been married for three years, and the day she told him she was pregnant he freaked out and started asking if she was alright or if she was in any pain as if she had suddenly gone into labor. She honestly finds it cute how protective he is, it assures her that he'll be a great dad, that plus how he takes care of his nice and nephew and his godson. She was currently nine months pregnant and only five days away from her due date, they already know they were having a boy, they even decorated his nursery by now, the one and most important thing they haven't done is decide a name. So now here they are seated at a Golden Corral because Clarke had gotten over twenty cravings in a flash, "so we haven't decided on a name yet, got any ideas?" She asked taking a bite of her food, "well I doubt you're going to let me name him after me" he chuckled, "in your dreams Blake" she smiled, "but seriously we have to pick a name, I still want to put it on top of his crib on the wall" she said with a pout, "Alright princess, how about you? Any ideas?" She only shook her head no, "hey remember when we were kids and you got lost in a game of hide and seek in your dad's mountain house?" He smiled, "I don't see why you're smiling that was awful, I almost got bit by a rattlesnake" she huffed, he rolled his eyes at her, "I know, that's not what I'm trying to help you remember" he stated smirking. Clarke looked up from her food with a confused look on her face, "what are you getting at Blake?" She asked suspiciously, "yes you almost got bit by a rattlesnake if it wasn't for..." He gestured his hands towards her asking her to complete the memory, "Bell I still don't see why you're smiling, Max died two weeks after he got bit by the snake instead of me" she sadly looked down with a small tear escaping her eye. Years ago around the time Clarke and Bellamy were five and six years old, their families decided to vacation on a house in the mountains that Clarke's father had. Unfortunately during one afternoon of all the kids playing hide and seek, Clarke had been cornered to a tree by a rattlesnake, the snake had jumped up to bite her but fortunately for her their dog Max had taken the bite for her and fought against the snake until the snake died. Two weeks after that accident the venom of the snake had finally reached poor old Maxie's heart, causing him to die in his sleep, Clarke was only five and it was her dog, she cried endlessly over it, day and night until the pain finally subsided. "Princess I know, but that's not what I'm getting at" he sighed and she looked up at him from across the table, Bellamy reached for her hands holding them on top of the table as he explained himself, "you loved that dog, probably more than anyone and if it wasn't for him sacrificing himself, you wouldn't be here right now, we wouldn't be here trying to decide on a name for our future child" she sniffled at his words, "what I'm trying to say is why not honor your dog, he sacrificed his life for you so you could be here right now" he suggested as he rubbed his thumb soothingly against her hand making her smile, "you want to name him Max? Babe as much as I loved that dog, it's my dead dog's name" she blinked out a few tears, "I know, maybe not just Max, how about Maximilian" he suggested. Clarke smiled at the idea, God knows maybe she did want to name her child after her hero deep down and she didn't even know it until Bellamy said it, "Maximilian Blake" she chuckled "Max for short" he winked making her smile, "Max Blake, I like it" she smiled, "good" he smiled before they continued their meal. The next day Clarke put up the name over the crib with some sticks, she looked up to the name and then at the crib as she rubbed her stomach, "Maximilian" she smiled, "thank you, for everything" she said towards the roof and then smiled down at her stomach as she kept softly rubbing it.

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