Road trip set back

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Thursday afternoon and the Blake family was packing for their week at the lake house. After Lincoln and Octavia's wedding, they moved into the family lake house, therefore the Blake family was going to visit their other half of the family. "Bell did you get the bags?" She yelled from upstairs, "everything's in the car princess" he yelled from the front door. Clarke was finishing dressing her one-year-old son Kian, while her six-year-old son Keith looked threw his toy box behind her, "mom I can't find my soccer ball" Keith said head deep in his toy chest, "check the backyard sweetie, I'll help you look as soon as I finish changing your brother's diaper" she said finishing her actions while Keith nodded and headed downstairs to his dad. "Hey, dad have you seen my soccer ball?" Keith asked his dad who was currently packing up some snacks, "no, sorry bud, but I think auntie O has one at the lake house" Bellamy said putting the chips into the bag, "I'm gonna check the backyard, if I can't find it can I get a new one on the way, I promised Jimmy and Jason we would play" Keith said with a pouty face, "sure thing kiddo" Bellamy responded while he finished packing the snacks. Keith was the most excited person on this trip, he couldn't wait to see his cousin Jimmy and their friend from the neighborhood Jason. The three tikes are practically inseparable and as for Valery, she's only one much like Kian, both Clarke and Octavia have had the bad tendency to get pregnant at the same time and in result, you give your niece or nephew a cousin that's the same age they are. "Alright Kian has a fresh diaper and here is the baby bag" Clarke said handing over the large bag filled with baby essentials, "where's Keith?" She questioned Bellamy, "he's looking for his soccer ball in the backyard" he nodded towards the glass doors making Clarke turn and walk towards her oldest son, "Keith we have to go!" She yelled from the glass door, "I can't find my soccer ball mom" he wined as he approached his mother and brother, "it's alright sweetie we'll get you a new one over there ok?" She offered making Keith nod. "Let's go" she said closing the glass door behind them and heading out to the car. "No luck?" Bellamy questioned his son as he saw him shake his head no, "it'll be ok bud I'm sure Auntie O can tell us where to get you a new one when we get there ok?" He said, "ok as long as Jimmy, Jason and I get to play I don't really mind" he grinned at his dad with that Blake smile that could make any girl faint, Bellamy on the other hand chuckled and nodded at his son.Soon they were all packed and off towards the lake house, needless to say, it was a five-hour drive so there where the usual, gas stops, restroom stops, snack stops and switching drivers so the other could take a break. Two hours into the drive and the worst thing that could happen on a road trip happened. "Great! We blew a tire!" Bellamy yelled angry, mostly with himself for not changing the tires last week knowing they had a road trip planned and angry with the tire for not holding out until they got there. "Alright boys let's go stand outside" Clarke said unbuckling herself and getting out of the car, Keith soon followed and Clarke was picking Kian up from his car seat. They stood by the side of the road watching as Bellamy changed the tire with the backup tire in the trunk, they watched as Bellamy miserably failed at changing the tire. "Now listen here you dumb tire you better stop being so stubborn and let me change you cause we are not going to stay here all day, we have somewhere to be!" He yelled at the tire that wouldn't budge, "mom? Why is dad yelling at the tire?" Keith asked from beside Clarke, "because your dad is crazy" she answered giggling making him giggle as well. "God! Seriously you'd think I was the most stubborn human being alive, now inanimate objects count!" Bellamy kept yelling nonsense as he still tried to change the tire. Bellamy's rant got so hilarious that Clarke took the opportunity to FaceTime Octavia. Now Clarke, Keith, Kian, Octavia, Jimmy, Valery and Lincoln, all watched the frustrated Blake. "God if he tries any harder I'm afraid he'll pop something" Octavia said threw a fit of giggles making everyone join in. Soon after about forty-five more minutes, Bellamy finally changed the tire, walking towards Clarke on the side of the road and burying his face on her neck, "God! That was hell!" He said into her neck making her giggle, "well let's go if you're finally done" she said walking towards the car and strapping Kian into his car seat as Keith got on through the other side. As Clarke buckled Kian's seatbelt Bellamy wrapped his arms around her from behind burying his face in her neck again, he hummed against her skin making her smile, after closing the car door she turned in his arms giving him a kiss on the lips, "you want to rest a while, I can drive us the rest of the way" she offered with her arms around his neck, "please" he said face still deep in her neck and placing soft kisses. He walked them towards the passenger seat pressing Clarke against the door and inhaling her jasmine perfume, "umm, you smell really good" he said making her giggle, she pulled his face from her neck kissing his lips again. As they parted she got out of his grip to walk to the drivers' side, but not before receiving a spank on her bum from her husband, causing her to squeal and turn to see Bellamy stood there with a smug look on his face and an unmistakable Blake smirk. She playfully glared at him making him chuckle as they got into the car, and he whispered in her ear "you know I love you right", he smiled as she turned to look at him with a smile of her own, she quickly pecked his lips saying "every day" she smiled and now it was his turn to peck her lips and as they pulled away smiling, Clarke started the three hour drive ahead of them. The boys where fast asleep and for the rest of the trip it was spent by Clarke and Bellamy holding hands all the way there.

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