Watching the sunset

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It's been a long time since the war, the sky people had finally moved on to safer grounds, and are living peacefully. Right now it wasn't as peaceful as everyday sense in this very moment you could hear Clarke's painful screams echo around the village, "come on sweetie just one more push" her mother ordered and with that final push came the first baby from the first group of people that set foot on earth after ninety-seven years. "It's a girl" Abby stated proudly to Clarke, who could only find the strength to smile, "you did good princess" came his deep voice before he kissed her forehead. Abby passed the girl to Clarke, who was now sat up on the makeshift bed, when she looked at her daughter you could faintly see the blond locks of hair that will soon grow on her head, Clarke extended her index finger to her daughter. The little girl took the finger in her small fist and brought it up to her mouth, Clarke giggled at the sensation of finally having her daughter and also the fact she was sucking on her finger like a pacifier. Bellamy simply stroked his large hand on the back of his daughter's head and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "What are you going to name her?" Came Octavia's voice from the corner of the room where she was grabbing a blanket for her new niece, "I don't know" Bellamy stated, "let me get this straight you can name your baby sister on the spot when she's born, but when it comes to your own daughter you have no clue!" Octavia scowled at Bellamy, he only shook his head in response "to be fair O I was a kid, and I hadn't gone through all the crazy things I have to get to this point in my life" he argued, "all the more reason for you to have a name picked out" she fought back. "Shh! Stop fighting you two you're going to wake Exodus" Clarke whispered yelled at the siblings who now looked at her with wide eyes, "what? We came here on an exodus ship, she's the first of the first group of people that landed here after ninety-seven years, sue me if I want to name my daughter after the reason she was born in the first place" she scolded at them, making Bellamy smirk, "I wouldn't say that's the reason she was born princess" he smirked and Clarke scowled him more, "that ship was were we met first, sure we weren't on good terms, but without it we don't know what would have happened" she argued, "she's got a point Bell, besides it's a pretty name, rare but pretty" Octavia interjected, "Exodus Blake, I like it" he smiled kissing the top of Clarke's head as they watched their daughter sleep. When Clarke was finally strong enough to leave the med bay, she was given a white dress to change into, same as Exodus. When Exodus woke up, Clarke decided to take the little girl out for a walk. They walked towards the garden, which was no more than a huge land covered with flowers and tall grass, and a big beautiful tree on a small hill. The girls sat there for the day with pink and orange colors on the clouds, Clarke made flower crowns for both her and her daughter, making each other laugh constantly as they watched the sunset.Exodus had finally turned a year old, she was quite chubby and very adorable. Whenever her birthday came along Clarke would wear the white dress and flower crown, dressing her daughter to look the same, and they would spend their day under the tree watching the sunset, for some reason on her birthday, the pink and orange on the clouds would always look brighter than any other day. This went on until the girl turned five, she was as beautiful as her mother. Long blond hair, chubby cheeks, and quite the runner. It was her fifth birthday and they were currently sitting under the tree. Bellamy walked up to them and kissed both their foreheads, and sitting down next to them. "How about I show you something special" Bellamy said to Exodus and she nodded her head. Clarke stood up with Exodus holding onto her and she balanced her on her hip. All three of them walked down a path that leads towards the river, thereby the river stood their friends and family by a big table with some foods and a cake. Exodus smiled wildly at her birthday surprise. "Do you like your surprise?" Clarke asked the girl in her arms who smiled at her mother gratefully. After setting her on the floor to enjoy the party Bellamy made his way towards Clarke hugging her tightly and watching their daughter interact and laugh with everyone. "We did good princess" he said looking at Exodus, "we should do more good" Clarke said looking up at Bellamy, he looked down at her smirking. "We should" was all he said making Clarke smile, she stood on her toes and kissed him sweetly before heading towards the party. They enjoyed their day together celebrating when "MOMMY! We're gonna miss the sunset!" Exodus yelled running back towards the tree, with Clarke and Bellamy running behind her yelling at her to wait up. Exodus finally reached the tree with her parents close behind, "Come on! MOMMY, DADDY HURRY!" She yelled as they finally made it to her and sat down with her under the tree. "Look" she pointed to the sky with pink and orange clouds as the sun left for the night, her parents looked up at the same time. When it was dark they cuddled under the tree and counted the stars, as they told their daughter stories of how they looked back on the ark.

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