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Requested by @Bellarke_lover_ I hope you like it


Ever since Bethany Blake was born she has been a total daddy's girl. Whenever she didn't cry with Clarke was when she was either feeding her, changing her diaper or when Bethany was asleep. It may come with no surprise that her first word was 'dad' Clarke has always felt a bit of jealousy over Bellamy and Bethany, "those two are pure Blake" she would always say, however, she still loves them both until the end of time, but as Bethany grew she began to feel not just jealousy over Bellamy, but her daughter as well. He started using her nickname for their daughter, he would spend more time with her, he would cuddle her all the time, sometimes it makes her feel forgotten and sad, but she knows they love her as does she. Clarke was currently cooking dinner while her daughter sat by the door playing with her hands, "sweetie why don't you come help mommy cook? Daddy will be here soon" she turned to see her daughter still staring at the door, "I wanna wait for daddy" she whined, to Clarke it's adorable but when Bellamy does it, it just pisses her off when it gets too much. "Bethany your father will be here soon, now come and help me set the table" she said with a small giggle, "ok" came with a sigh. A few more minutes and the King had arrived, "I'm home!" Came his deep voice, "DADDY!" Bethany screamed while jumping into his arms, "where's my princess?" He smiled giving Bethany kisses all around, while Clarke only thought 'right you meant Bethany'. She was giving the food a few more final spices and stirs before serving when one strong arm wrapped around her waist and a pair of lips kissed her neck, "how's my wonderful wife?" He asked with a smile, "hungry" she giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, 'I'm forgotten you ass' were her actual thoughts at the moment. After their meal Bellamy and Bethany played until her bedtime when he came back to their room and laid down on the bed, Clarke just couldn't keep it down anymore, "why do you give Bethany more attention than me?" Her eyes were a bit watery but otherwise strong, "what are you talking about?" He asked confused and Clarke sighed "Bell, you always give Bethany more attention than me, I get she's our daughter but I want kisses and cuddles to, and when did I stop being your princess?" Her tone was disappointed, "Clarke you didn't stop being my princes" he chuckled, "really cause you haven't called me that sense Bethany was born" and now she was pissed, "Clarke, she's our daughter and a princess, you were the princess once, then you passed that title onto Beth and you became my queen, is pretty simple babe. And I admit I haven't given you much attention, but you could've just told me" he chuckled, "really?" She asked filled with hope, "Clarke I'm a guy, we need to be told things straight up, we're horrible at taking hints. I love you, I always will and if all you wanted was a little alone time with the king, just say the word my queen" he smirked and Clarke rolled her eyes with a smile, "that was the craziest joke to ever come out of your mouth" she chuckled, "well how about you shut me up so I don't say any more crazy jokes" his smirk grew, Clarke bit her lip and laughed before pecking his lips, "I love you so much" she whispered against his lips, "I love you too princess" she smiled into the kiss at his words, at least she was a princess for one last night before being his queen.

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