The nerd and the king

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Requested by @MeganDare sorry it took so long hope you like it

Ahh being a teenager in high school, where the drama always seems to follow the ones that are just trying to make it through without a scratch, well at least that's the case for Clarke, a total nerd who just wants to get through what's left of her school years without a screw up but unfortunately thanks to a certain Bellamy Blake her goal will fail miserably, thanks to the school king himself she's always bullied verbally at least, not that he doesn't have a soft spot for her, actually that's how this whole mess started. He does like her, but populars and nerds, only in movies people! At least that's what he thinks, anyway one day he stayed for detention at the library cause he was ordered to clean along with the library assistant who was none other than the cute nerd herself, after school their relationship was different, she would let her curls loose and her glasses tucked away in their case unless she had to read something, after the first time he saw her that way he just kept getting in trouble just so he could see that cute side of her, the side that would judge him coldly and insult him without caring what he thought, that's the side of her he loved, unfortunately, that's when nobody was around cause if anyone saw her be that way they would just hate her more. Whenever he had detention he just loved to rile her up it made him smirk or even smile the way he saw her fiery personality explode, this one detention day, in particular, the argument got a little too heated, "you're such a prick!" She yelled exasperated "I know that already, you got anything else for me princess" he said with a smirk walking closer to her, "don't call me that you stupid hypocrite!" She yelled to his face as he trapped her by the bookshelf implanted to one of the walls "hypocrite, not your best insult, but it's new so I'll give you that" he smirked before he started to kiss her neck, "get off me, fuck boy!" She screamed trying to push him away but he caught her hands in his and whispered in her ear, "let's face it that's something neither of us wants happening right now" he smirked before kissing her straight on the lips, and now here we are a good 2 weeks later and a pregnant Clarke, he's been frozen in the same position by the bookshelf since she told him it was his, needless to say he walked off leaving her standing there with a deeper wound in her heart than anything else she has suffered, sure people bully her and bad things have happened to her but this, this was a punch to the gut, ever since then people started finding out and more when her belly started to show, words like slut or whore she saw and heard everywhere some of the guys even try to touch her inappropriately but she thankfully always manages to get away before anything bad happens and Bellamy still doesn't pay attention even though he's actually really worried but today that silent streak of his was broken thanks to one of his friends trying to purposely trip Clarke down a flight of stairs, he's able to save her just in time before he starts yelling at the ass hole, "what the hell is wrong with you?! You MORONG!" Bellamy was officially pissed, "chill bro I'm just giving the little whore a hand in getting rid of her problem" the guy smirked but that smirked disappeared as fast as it came when he saw Bellamy's face "SHE'S NOT A WHORE OR A SLUT! I WAS THE ONE THAT PUT HER IN THIS SITUATION IN THE FIRST PLACE DUMB ASS! THAT'S MY BABY AND IF YOU EVER LAY A FINGER ON HER AGAIN I'M GONNA CUT IT OFF AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR DICK CAUSE I'M PRETTY SURE YOUR ASS WOULD ENJOY IT TOO MUCH!" Bellamy growled anger clear in his face making everyone scatter and run off leaving the too parents alone, "are you ok?" He asked with pure concern "I've been through worse" she said bluntly picking herself up, "look I'm really sorry I made your life a living nightmare, and I understand if you hate me, but I just want you to know that I'm really sorry and I..." She cut him off with a quick peck to the lips, "I forgive you but if you ever fuck up again I'll be the one cutting things and I'm not referring to your fingers" she smirked. One month later she delivered a perfectly healthy baby boy by the name of Sonny, whom she left with her mom when school started back up, as for the happy couple, well let's just say that a ring was placed after their high school graduation.

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