Daddy's home (prequeal)

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This story is actually related to the one called Daddy's home, remember in that story I wrote that he made it just in time for their daughters birth, well this is that back story, so I hope you enjoy it

She has been hiding for months and the only reason it worked was because he was in one of his yearly training trips. Thing is he's finally coming home and not once has he had a full glimpse of her stomach, and thank god for that because that's one out of other Welcome home presents, and sure she's due by the end of the week, none the less she wants to hug him tight feeling his skin under her touch once more. It's been nine months since he's been gone for god's sake and women have needs, especially pregnant women. They finally get to the airport to wait patiently for his arrival, after a large group of soldiers walks up to their families Octavia spots him, running towards him and jumping on his arms to squeeze the life out of him, "I missed you big brother" she whispered on his shoulder, "I missed you too O" he kissed the side of her head with his right hand carrying her and the other pressing her head towards his lips. She lead him back towards everyone, Clarke just hid behind the entire gang holding in her excitement, Bellamy took his time greeting everyone when his eyes finally spotted the sparkling blue eyes of his wife and he smiled wide as he approached her, that was until he was able to see her full body and noticed the full-grown baby bump. His eyes opened wide in surprise as she giggled and walked up to him wrapping her arms around his neck and pecking his lips, even though he was clearly frozen in shock, "welcome home baby I missed you" she said hugging him tightly, "by the way remember that night before you left?" She giggled and he just nodded eyes still wide, "well I'm pregnant! surprise!" She said exited and he blinked rapidly noticing how this happened and his Blake grin had returned to his face, he cradled her face in his hands and kissed her passionately, he kissed her like she was a breath of fresh air and his lungs where empty. As they parted their foreheads pressed together as they smiled at each other, "I love you so much, I don't know what I would do without you" he whispered while pecking her lips and making her smile, "I don't think I could live without you Bell" she said back with a bright smile making them chuckle. He pressed their lips together one last time, soft and slow, before getting on his knees in front of her baby bump, he placed a warm kiss on her tummy and rubbed the sides of it as he whispered towards it, "Hey there little one, it's daddy, sorry I've been gone long, but I promise I will never leave you and mommy ever again." He finished kissing her belly one last time, while Clarke's hand was softly running through his growing curls, she held him down, he looked up at her confused, "just wait for it" she smiled, he was still confused until he felt it, a kick with that his eyes widened and so did his smile, he paid closer attention to her tummy when he saw it, the baby's hand pressing hard against her stomach to reveal it's shape as it pressed against his right palm as if to say thank you, or I'm glad your finally home. Both Clarke and Bellamy's smiles grew wider, he pressed a quick kiss to her stomach before standing up and slamming his lips against hers as he kissed her passionately. Once they finally headed home, they laid on their bed, him cuddling her from behind as they both rubbed her belly in soft strokes. A few days later they rushed to the hospital and by the end of that joyful night, they had a beautiful little girl by the name of Mackenzie Blake.

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