A day by the lake

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It was a beautiful sunny summer's day & the Blake household had decided to go to the nearby lake. They had called their friends and family to come over and enjoy the day with a picnic by the lake, to which they all agreed to. Clarke was in her bedroom putting on her swimsuit and flip flops, as she finished getting dressed she set out to find her daughter Violet, she was quite the rascal, Clarke has come to the conclusion that she gets that from her father. She stepped into the playroom where Violet was playing with a plush bunny. Clarke walked towards her daughter and picked her up as she said "come on baby we have to get you ready for the picnic" making Violet giggle as they walked to Violet's room. Violet was soon wearing her swimsuit and a cute little sundress on top similar to her mother's, Bellamy walked into the room to ask if they were ready but froze at the site of his two favorite girls "Bell? You ok?" Clarke giggled holding Violet on her hip as she grabbed her bag. "Yeah I'm fine, it's just you're both to beautiful for me not to freeze on site" he smiled and Clarke smiled back, walking up to him she pecked his lips "you ready to go?" She asked against his lips as she pulled away. "Yeah, I'm only missing my two princesses" he smiled and pecked her lips quickly, Clarke smiled back and Violet giggled. Bellamy placed his hand on Clarke's lower back leading her to the car, he let go to close the front door of their home and walked back to the car.

The car ride to the river wasn't that long and soon they were setting up their spot on the picnic blanket. "Hey, big brother! How you been?" Octavia appeared from her car with her five-year-old son Oliver not far behind, "good to see you too O" Bellamy smiled & hugged his sister, "you better be careful, I want my future niece to be healthy" he teased her. Octavia was only 4 months pregnant her stomach was still small but she still showed roundness on her belly, "leave me be will ya!" She argued back, Bellamy only smiled and went to great his nephew. Octavia walked up to Clarke to give her a hello hug "I hope he's treating you like a goddess" she teased making Clarke chuckle "unfortunately I'm still his princess and Vi here is his goddess" she giggled. "And how is the bundle of joy that is my niece?" Octavia said making Violet giggle. Everyone said their hellos as they made their way closer to the river. Attending their picnic you had Raven, Wick, their son William, Jasper and his daughter Daniela, Monty, Harper and her son Dylan, Miller and his pet dog Humphrey, Lincoln, Octavia, their son Oliver and the Blake family itself. "I'm going to take Violet for a swim" Clarke said picking up her laughing daughter from the ground & giving Bellamy a peck on the lips as she got up. She sat Violet in a nearby rock and took her sundress off leaving her in a cute bikini, Clarke was about to take her sundress off when two large hands circled her waist and a pair of lips kissed her shoulder "did I tell you, you look stunning in this dress" his lips moved against her shoulder and she smiled "no you haven't" she giggled "you look stunning in this dress princess" he said and pecked her lips. He stood beside her as she took off her sundress and gave both her and their daughter's dresses to him so he could put them away in the bags. Before he left to go back to their bags and the picnic basket, she kissed him one last time and headed to the lake. Clarke had Violet on her waist and started to walk into the water, both of them giggled at the contact of the cold water.

By now all the kids were in the lake with their parents and every other adult. Bellamy stayed on the picnic blanket with Octavia, keeping an eye on his wife and daughter. "I'm proud of you big brother, you've accomplished so much in so little and I'm happy to see you're happy" she said patting his shoulder. "Thanks O, I'm also proud of you & I'm really happy that you're living the fairy tale life you deserve" he said smiling and she smiled back "thanks Bell" they stayed in a comfortable silence after that. Suddenly all that he heard were the pained cries of his daughter. "Bell!" Clarke yelled for him to come, Bellamy sprinted towards them in a panic "what happened? Why is she crying?!" Bellamy was frantic and Clarke lifted her daughter's small foot to reveal a cut that was clearly stinging her child's skin at the contact with the water. She handed Violet to Bellamy as she got out of the water to get the towel. Bellamy bounced Violet on his shoulder and calming her cries. After a few more bounces and "shh it's okay sweetie, it's ok" Violet's sobbing turned to hiccups and now they were silent sobs and tears. They dried her up and fixed up her foot with the first aid kit they had in the car, they changed her clothes to pj's and started to calm her to sleep.It was getting dark and everyone was packing up. They said their goodbyes and now they were packing up everything in the car. Clarke walked up behind Bellamy with a sleeping Violet on her shoulder "you ok?" She asked quietly afraid to wake Violet up, "yeah just tired" he said looking down at his little goddess "I was scared that something worse happened to both of you" he said looking up into his wife's eyes "Bell you'll never lose us and were ok, it's not your fault, she stepped on a sharp rock, it happens" she said bringing her free hand to rub at his cheek "I love you" she said as he leaned into her touch. "I love you too princess, more than anyone can ever describe" he smiled and she smiled. He pecked her lips and pecked his daughter's blond head "let's go I can't wait to get home and cuddle" he said kissing her cheek "you're a total softie" she laughed. "Only for my girls" he smiled and Clarke chuckled as she put Violet on her car seat. Soon they were off in the highway and headed straight home. After they got home they both set Violet on her crib as she slept away the night, they took a shower and as promised cuddled the night away with a few kisses here and there.

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