Horse Connection

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Emily Blake has a fascination for horses, she loves them much like her mom. When it came the time to ask her what she wanted for her fourth birthday the toddler was set on wanting a horse, considering the fact that they lived in an apartment and having a horse as a pet was out of the question they settled for giving her what she wanted, well sort of. "How much longer?" She whined, "sweetie relax we're almost at papa's ranch" Clarke's father owned his own horse ranch which meant that Emily was restless ever since they told her where they were going, "look there's the gate princess" Bellamy affirmed as he drove into the ranch and parked on the side of one of the stables. As soon as Emily's feet hit the ground she ran as fast as she could towards her grandfather and jumped into his arms yelling 'Papa!', "Hey, there kiddo! You excited to meet the horses?" He asked placing her on his hip, "yeah!" By now Clarke approached her father giving him a kiss on the cheek and a hug. "Hey dad" she smiled, "hey there princess, you wanna go see your girl?" Clarke nodded as she knew he was talking about her horse, "she gave birth last week" Clarke's smile widened as they walked to her horse's stable, Bellamy wrapped an arm around her as they followed a giggling Emily and Clarke's dad into the stables. "There she is" Clarke stepped up to see her horse and her baby, "she's perfect, it's a girl right?" She asked referring to the foal, "yup a little filly" he chuckled, Clarke took Emily into her arms and walked into the stable, "look sweetie this is mommy's horse, and that's it's baby, that's your new horse" Emily smiled that perfect Blake smile at the thought, "Alright come on we have to take them out for a walk" Clarke, Bellamy, and Emily stepped outside as Clarke's dad brought the two horses out to the small field that was surrounded by a fence, after Clarke's dad locked the fence letting the two horses run around Emily slipped her hand from Clarke's grip and ran towards her new horse. "Emily!" Everyone yelled after the small toddler running to her horse. Once Emily got to the fence the foal walked towards her from the other side, the young horse placed its face a bit closer to her allowing her to place her small gentle hands on the sides of it's face for her to pet, "you're my horsy and I'm gonna call you Daisy" she smiled as the foal closed her eyes enjoying the touch and tender care of her new owner, once Clarke saw what was happening she motioned for everyone to stop, "Clarke why are we stopping?" Bellamy questioned, "look" she whispered pointing to how their daughter interacted with her new horse, "well I'll be darned, she's just like you honey bear" Clarke's father whispered. Clarke walked up to her daughter and the more she stared the more she remembered when that was her, "hi horsey, don't worry I won't hurt you" young Clarke said to her new horse as she softly pet her, once her hands where on her horse, the horse found comfort closing her eyes at the touch of Clarke's small hands, "I'm gonna name you Jane" she smiled with a small giggle. Clarke was soon next to her daughter, "look mommy she likes me" Emily smiled wildly and Clarke smiled back softly petting the small foal, when Jane turned to see Clarke she walked up to her doing the same as Daisy did to Emily, Clarke didn't hesitate in petting her, "we ended up pretty well huh girl?" She whispered to Jane with a smile on her face. As the day came to an end, Emily was fast asleep in Clarke's arms, "I think you two have quite the connection with horses" Bellamy smiled placing his arm around her waist and kissing her forehead, "I'm glad we did this" she smiled pecking his lips before walking to their car, "I'm glad that my girls are happy" he smiled. Once they got home and put Emily on her bed they sat cuddled on the sofa, "Bell?" She looked up at him from his chest, "yeah?" He looked down at her happily, "I was thinking, maybe we should have another" she said with hopeful eyes, "horse?! Don't we have enough?" His eyes were shot open wide, "no Bell! Another baby" she laughed and he sighed, "don't scare me like that princess, but about the baby well all I have to say is, want to start trying now?" He smirked down at her and she smirked back, that was all it took for them to start trying. A month later Clarke and Jane were both up for their second child.

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