First Words

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It was a beautiful morning, Clarke was making breakfast for her small family, suddenly she heard the pitter patter of small feet going her way and turning her head she saw her little three-year-old girl in just a diaper and smiling her father's smile, Clarke smiled back as she picked her up into her arms and rested her on her hip, "wanna help mommy cook up breakfast?" She asked poking the small girl's nose making her giggle and circle her small arms around her mother's neck. At some point, the little girl ended up sitting between her mother's hip and her two months and one week of pregnancy baby bump. Clarke kissed the little girl's head as she set her down on her eating chair. She had sat down on a chair in front of her daughter to feed her some oatmeal, a few minutes later a groan was heard coming into the kitchen, there Bellamy stood rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a naked torso and only a pair of joggers on, he walked up behind his wife kissing the crown of her head and mumbling a good morning as well, she smiled and replied with another good morning, while their little girl squeaked in happiness making Bellamy chuckle and walk up behind her also kissing the crown of her head, "good morning to you too baby girl" they smiled and the small girl giggled. It's safe to say their daughter doesn't talk yet and sometimes they think something might be wrong, but after all the searching the young girl has nothing wrong she just basically doesn't want to talk just yet, that didn't really bother them but sometimes they wish they could hear the small girl at least say hi. While Bellamy went to get his breakfast Clarke finished feeding their daughter, "alright sweetheart you stay calm mommy will be right back ok?" She said kissing her forehead before turning to walk away. As she went into the kitchen she saw Bellamy rummaging through the fridge, "babe what are you doing?" He turned to look at her, "I'm looking for the orange juice" he said simply turning back to the fridge, Clarke smiled and rolled her eyes approaching him from behind, she placed her left arm around his torso so she could still stand while she bent down beside him to grab the orange juice from the bottom shelf. She stood back up pecking his cheek and walking away to get him a cup. "What would I do without you?" He smiled, "probably have Octavia on your ass constantly" she giggled and he walked up to her trapping her in between him and the counter, he kissed her lips gently and they both smiled into it. They started walking back into the dining room when "MOMMY!" Their little girl squealed making her parents' eyes go wide, "DADDY!" She squealed once more and Clarke ran to her picking her up her form her eating chair and kissing all over her face making her giggle, "tickles!" She squealed, Bellamy then took her from Clarke and started doing the same, "you're talking!" He said in excitement and Clarke was in tears by now, "you're talking" she sniffled, "mommy sad?" She asked as her laughter stopped, "no baby, mommy isn't sad" she sniffled a laugh, "she's really happy, these are happy tears baby girl" she said kissing her daughters forehead, while the small girl wrapped her small arms around her mother's neck hugging her. Both girls where hugging and Bellamy just joined in making it a group hug. "I just hope the next one says daddy first" he chuckled and Clarke scoffed, "please in your dreams Blake" she laughed, "my dreams are actually about the way they were made" he smirked and Clarke's eyes widened. They waited long for their second child to be born and even longer for him to say his first words, unfortunately, they were dadda so they were technically both wrong.

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