Bring your Child to Work Day

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"You sure you don't want me to take him?" She asked worried laced in her voice "chill princess he'll be fine, it's not like he's been kidnapped" he chuckled getting ready for bed while she gave him a pouty glare. You can't blame a mama bear for protecting her cub so it's only fair for Clarke to worry about her one-year-old son because A. He's, according to her, a mamas boy & B. This is the first time she's spending a full on day apart from him for more than a couple of hours.I know, I know, 'don't mom's usually deal with the whole separation issue by now' the answer to that is Obvious but this is Clarke, she's his teacher and mom, the only times she ever spent apart from him was date night, and that was just a few hours, so sending him off with his dad to a book publishing company for 8 hours give or take, instead of him being in school with her, plus her having a day off made her uneasy. Not that she doesn't trust Bellamy, god ever forbids, she's just not used to having a day for herself.

"Babe don't worry everything will be fine" were his last words before the next day. By morning she had a cinderblock weighing bag ready for Bellamy, "what's that?" He asked, eyes wide in horror, "everything you need, snacks, medicine, wipes, extra clothes, extra extra clothes, blanket..." she listed off before being interrupted, "Clarke, he's going to be gone a day at my office, not a week on Disney world" he sighed, "I know but you can never be too sure Bell, what if he vomits?!" She panicked "I clean him and the vomit and bring him home?" He said in a duh like manner, "well, I mean yeah but..." she really couldn't figure out what to say, "Clarke I know what I'm doing, this isn't my first time raising a human you know? He'll be fine ok? We'll be back before you know it" he said with his bright smile that would usually calm her down, "I guess you're right, alright I trust you" she finally agreed smiling back "good, now go have your free day and we'll be back by four" he said with a kiss to the lips pulling away with another award-winning smile, "alright" she agreed her smile not leaving her face and making his wider before picking up little Milo from his spot by the tv, "let's go bud" he said with a small grunt making the young boy giggle "dada" there's no doubting that Blake smile.

It took a full day of distraction to keep her from thinking about them, meanwhile Milo was having the time of his life, "he's so cute, I've only seen him in the pictures" most of Bellamy's coworkers gushed over the cute little boy while he walked around the desks like a giant game of peek a boo, while also finding the blackboard wall along with the other kids and started drawing on it. After being done with his desk work he took Milo to the library room in the building where they sat reading kid's story books which eventually had Milo falling asleep. By the time they got back home, Milo was dead asleep on Bells shoulder. He walked in leaving the bag by the door and walking over to the living room laying down the little one on his soft play mat, "oh thank god your home" Clarke sighed with relief when she saw them, "so... how was work?" She asked, "pretty calm, he wasn't the only kid but he was definitely the most social butterfly in the room, looked like a giant peek a boo game" he chuckled looking back at him, "he fell asleep after I took him to read some story books, so I came back early" as he talked he'd grabbed on to Clarke bringing her to his chest in a hug and kissing her head.She lifted her head kissing his lips and smiling back "well I'm glad you had fun, I guess I worried for nothing" she laughed "yeah you did" he agreed "yeah... you're a great dad" she said into his chest hugging him tighter, "thanks, you're a great mom so I think he'll be fine" he smiled, chin on her head and she smiled into his chest before lifting up her gaze once more to look at him, " I love you Bell" she said making his smile wider "I love you too" he responded giving her another short kiss before they heard an "I lobe you" from their feet, they looked down to see a smiling Milo and laughed before Clarke picked him up and brought him between her and Bellamy, "we sure do honey" she said before both her and Bell kissed Milos cheeks making him giggle and making their smiles brighter.

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