Naughty by Christmas Eve

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You'd think that raising four kids between the ages of four to six years old would be hard, but for Clarke and Bellamy they were blessed with well behaved and loving children. First, there was Timmy the youngest he just turned four a few months back, then there's Lilian she's also four, then there's Vick he's five and a lot like his father and last but not least their six-year-old Kaily. They were certainly blessed, all of their kids, aside from being well behaved and loving, they're very respectful, but honestly, all of that practically goes out the window by Christmas time. It was the night before Christmas and they where all currently watching a movie on their living room wall threw Bellamy's work projector and laptop, Timmy and Kaily laid face down on the floor while Vick leaned his back against one of the bean bag chairs eating the popcorn and little Lilian laid sideways next to the sofa on top of a few cushions while Clarke sat on the sofa. "Mom when is Santa coming?" Lilian asked almost falling asleep, "I wanna see him" she whined, "baby if you don't go to sleep Santa won't come" Clarke explained, "that's not fair, we wanna see him" Timmy whined, "yeah!" Vick and Kaily whined in unison, "why do I hear whining?" Came a husky voice from the kitchen, "we wanna see Santa!" The kids kept whining. Bellamy walked back into the room with hot chocolate for everyone, "kids we've talked about this, Santa doesn't come to leave you presents unless you're asleep" he scowled, "but dad we want to see Santa!" They all whined, "ok it's time for bed" Clarke exclaimed as she got off of the couch, "NO! We wanna see Santa!" All the kids yelled, "stop yelling! you kids know the rules and it's still not too late to end up on the naughty list" Bellamy scowled making all the kids fall silent, "now that you understand how it works, it's bedtime" Bellamy said leading all the kids upstairs to their room. Clarke sighed as she picked up the empty cups and popcorn bowls to wash them, as she came to wash the last bowl Bellamy circled his strong arms around her small waist and sighed against her shoulder making her chuckle, "this never gets easier" he grumbled, "when they're older babe, that's when it will be easier" she giggled putting the last washed bowl to dry and turned around in his arms, he grumbled again hugging Clarke flush against him, "come on let's go to bed" she said kissing his lips softly making him hum against them and swinging their bodies from side to side, he walked them under the entrance to their living room as they kept giving each other smooches here and there. "We can't just leave" he smirked pulling away, Clarke looked up at him confused, well that was until she saw what he was pointing at with a head nod, a hanging mistletoe, she laughed hugging him and pressing her face to his chest still laughing, "you really love this time of year" she chuckled and so did he, "yes I do, now about that kiss" he smirked at her as she stood on her toes to kiss his lips soft and slow, that didn't last long as Bellamy picked up Clarke's small body off of the ground and spinning her around making her giggle, he softly stopped and brought her back down very softly as well but before her feet touched the ground he kissed her mouth long, soft and passionate. He finished bringing her feet back in contact with the ground as Clarke's arms still circled his neck, they smiled at each other and as Clarke leaned back up for a quick peck, Bellamy lifted her thighs to wrap around his torso, "I think it's time for our Christmas present" she laughed before they sealed in another passionate kiss, her hands in his hair, his hands gripping her thighs as Bellamy walked them to their bedroom, which thankfully was at the other side of the hallway, too far for their children to hear their parents' actions. They laid on their bed, Clarke's head resting on Bellamy's chest, he played with her hair and every so often he would rub her back softly as she drew patterns on his chest, one minute passed and it was officially Christmas "Merry Christmas princess" Bellamy smiled kissing the crown of her head, she smiled against his chest and placed a small kiss on it before murmuring "Merry Christmas Bell" and softly drifting off to sleep. After Bellamy was sure Clarke fell asleep and their kids were also sound asleep, he slipped downstairs to place the presents under the tree. Bellamy would admit to you that while the kids are still young it's not easy to get away with a Christmas like this one, as they get older it will get easier, but honestly, he likes a challenge. A few days after Christmas they found out they were gonna be parents again, it was an amazing late Christmas present, and maybe it wasn't going to get easier any time soon but it was still worth it, even if they might have ended up on the naughty list for that Christmas Eve.

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