Destination Wedding

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My god this took me the longest time to get done, life really kept getting in the way for me and seeing as my new year is already gonna start in the wrong foot it's only gonna get worse. Anyways Happy Holidays and let's pray that I have the final chapter (which might be a part 2 to this one) up before New Years.
Happy Reading 💖
The fact that he had to take a date to his sisters wedding because and he quotes "Bell you're to young and handsome to show up alone at my wedding plus I don't need a swarm of girls asking me for your number and I want a genuinely happy and sober Bellamy there, you got that!" and honestly he gets it, it's happened in parties before it's happened in so meany festivities, mainly cause he can't take the fact that he has to be 'a stick in the mud' all night and that is what brought him a new dawn. Now here he stands trying to convince the one girl he wouldn't have sex with no matter how much he truly wanted to, the one girl who can keep him from a single drop of alcohol and in check, or so he believes, "come on Clarke please I'm begging you here!" He pleaded from the door of her classroom as she decorated the bulletin of the wall with the projects of her students, "Bellamy I'm busy I have to grade some test this weekend and I'd like to finish hanging these before I go home today" he'd be lying if one of the reasons he didn't instantly think of her was cause he saw her struggle with hanging the kids' posters on the small latter because she can't reach, she looked honestly truly adorable, "please Clarke" he smirked a bit to himself "how about you help me out here and I'll consider it if you're so obstinate" she huffed standing on her toes to reach higher on the bulletin board, and in all honesty he'd also be lying if he said the reason he hasn't moved a finger to help her since he started asking and kept standing by the door looking a little too smug for Clarke's taste was cause he 'didn't' have a clear panty view of her pink lace, "if I help you will you please go with me?" He finally sighed defeated, and considering she only had the top ones to hang and nobody was left around them and he was the only person tall enough she found herself saying yes and let's just say he's not the only smug one when having a clear view of a nice bum right in front of them.

These two have been like this for so long, the sexual atmosphere that everyone wishes they would get done with still lingers cause they're to stubborn to admit any true feelings "so it's an overnight wedding?" She asked through the phone as she shuffled through as meany test as she could "yeah so bring some overnight clothes, princess" he laughed from the other side of the phone as he zipped up his suit case, "I'll pick you up at 8, so I hope you're halfway packed" he said as she sighed into the phone "I'll leave these last twelve test for you to grade for me and I'll get packing" she answered putting down her pen and heading to her room where her suit case laid on her bed, "good, see you soon" with that he hung up leaving her at the mercy of her best friend to 'help' her pack. A few hours passed and there he was grading the last four tests and she'd be lying if she said he didn't look sexy with his glasses on, "alright I'm ready to go" she said just as he finished grading the last test, "good, let's get going", the car ride to the hotel was silent and frankly this is all Octavia's fault for living so far away and having almost everyone either drive out or fly out to their home town for her wedding.

Once at the hotel they checked in and headed to their room only to be surprised by a single California King bed, both stood there shocked before Clarke spoke up 'I refuse' she bluntly stated 'no kidding it's supposed to be a two bed room!' He sighed a little bit pissed, 'just stay here I'll go ask if we could get another room' he said before heading down to the front desk again only to be rejected in his efforts because and he quotes once he comes back to tell Clarke 'we're full because of the wedding so all the rooms available are single beds' he sighed again sitting on the small couch face in hands 'we'll just make this work, you take the bed I'll sleep on the couch' he insisted and seeing as he wasn't in the best mood Clarke wasn't gonna fight him even though she thought it was ridiculous because of how tall he was and how small the couch is.

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