Excuse me, WHAT?!

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"Bell I think we should tell them" She said laying next to him in bed, he sighed and covered his eyes with his left hand while his right supported his neck, "do we have to?" he whined, she took in a breath and rolled over laying on his chest "we're getting married" she laughed making circles on his chest with her index finger "if we do they're gonna be all smug about it" she propped herself on top of him as he moved his left hand to lay on her lower back "we haven't even told them we've been dating for six years" she chuckled booping his nose, he took in a breath before looking at her with a closed left eye and open right eye bringing his hand back to his forehead "fine, but I want my reward" he smirked "you're such a tease" she chuckled and gave him a gentle kiss "and you're not?" he said with his half closed eye smile making her smile before he brought his left hand back around her and rolling them over as she giggled.

"Excuse me, WHAT?!!!!!!" the gang all but screeched into the couples ear, "I said we're getting married" Clarke repeated to the group as they stared at the two in disbelief "This has to be a joke right?!" Octavia said looking around for someone to confirm "you HAVE to be joking?" Bellamy sighed at their group of friends finally deciding to say something "Guys you need to relax, we've been dating for six years I think we have the right to get married" he argued "WOA WOA WOA! backtrack, you've been dating for the past SIX YEARS!!!!!" Octavia screeched again "you know what that means?!!!" Jasper yelled excitedly "That we were right about them liking each other and being absolute tsunderes?" Monty answered "I mean yeah but also, I WIN THE BET!!! Cough up Raven!!" He said pointing to the young girl making her groan "So then you've been dating behind our backs this whole time?" Octavia asked and both Bellamy and Clarke nodded "yeah" they said at the same time "we figured if we didn't-" she said "you guys wouldn't leave us alone or stop teasing us" he finished "he's got a point, I wouldn't let them live it down" Raven said nonchalantly, "yeah" the group said in unison. "Point is we've decided to get married and obviously we want you guys to be there obviously, it' not like we're gonna elope" Clarke bargained, "I mean we could" Bellamy whispered making her hit his side "what? kinda goes with what we've done up to this point" she sighed at her soon to be husband and looked up at her friends "honestly it just fits you guys" Raven agreed, "how about this, we'll organize it and you guys have an 'elope' theme type wedding and once you're back we'll celebrate together" Octavia offered, "you guys sure about that?" Clarke asked in worry "Trust us" Monty assured "have we ever let you down"Jasper said putting an arm around his best bud making Clarke smiled "you have" Bellamy fired and Clarke glared "Bell!" he shrugged "Ok fair point but I promise I will not fail you!" he saluted. Clarke and Bellamy looked at each other for a moment and back at their friends "you guys sure?" she asked one last time "of course we are! it's the perfect plan!" Octavia yelled excitedly. With that, a few months of planning passed and eventually Bellamy and Clarke shared their I Do's flying off to their honeymoon soon after lasting about two weeks away from everything and eventually coming back to the biggest party their friends have ever thrown, the party theme? 'Our secret Bachelor & Bachelorette' 

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